Happy? Pt.1

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A/N: maybe read 'There's This Girl' before this chapter if you want. It picks up about a year after Rilee has their baby. I couldn't get this out of my head so I had to write it.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror, satisfied with the result of my hair. It was a little past my shoulders after I cut it this week. Quinn used to love playing with my hair and this was a lame attempt at getting her attention. I wish I could say it worked.

The shower door opened behind me and she stepped out, my eyes traveling down the art that was her figure. I remembered all the times I would join her in there, something that hasn't happened in a while. Quinn grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her waist, another one going on her head. Her hair was as long as the first time I'd seen her, but only now she didn't need me to help her with it.

My gaze stayed on her while she hadn't once looked at me yet, and it reminded me of where we stood. Despite my many attempts at fixing us, she wouldn't budge. Understanding her side of things was easy, because I was open to why. Quinn, however, was too damn stubborn to listen.

"I might be late tonight." I informed her, hoping she remembered the art exhibition we were holding to showcase a new artist.

"I know." She whispered and walked to our bedroom.

I closed my eyes and asked a question, though I knew what the answer would be. "Will you be there?"

"I'll stay home with Raina." She lightly raised her voice so I'd hear from where she was in our room.

"My mom offered to keep her. They're babysitting Shawn and Evelyn." I referred to my brother's two kids he had with his girlfriends. I walked out to see my wife pulling up her shorts over her Superman boxers.

She gave me a lazy shrug of one shoulder. "I missed her this week after working so many hours."

Can you miss me that much too?

"Okay." I whispered, not pushing further.

I didn't mind her wanting to spend time with our daughter. I absolutely adored the protective and loving way Quinn treated her. Raina was a daddy's girl, she picked up the habit, always chasing after Quinn wherever she went.

But I craved some attention too.

"I hope it goes well." Quinn said quietly as she left the room.

I finished getting dressed and left for the art gallery. I had to be there earlier to ensure everything was set and in order. The night went smoothly for the most part, our team being very efficient in their work.

I retreated to the side for a breather, leaving Sadie and Ava to host our guests. With a non alcoholic glass in hand, I pushed down the jealousy when I saw Kaiden with Sadie and Ava. This wasn't our first art exhibit, we've had a few, but Kaiden always showed up for them.

Quinn did the same for me at first, but following a fight a while back, we've barely had a decent conversation. It wasn't for lack of trying on my part, but I suppose she just wasn't ready to talk to me.

"Hey." My brother came and leaned on the wall next to me.

"Hey." I sipped on my drink.

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