Chapter Thirty Five

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"What's with that look?" My mom sat down next to me on the front porch. Even as she aged, mom still had her looks and class. Her frown lines showing just how much she laughed and enjoyed life. Still as beautiful as ever.

I shrugged. "Just thinking."

"About?" She pressed with a smile.

What Quinn said about my eyes surfaced. The little things she noticed and complimented me on, they were why I kept on falling.

"Quinn." I whispered her name with a sigh.

Mom nodded, her smile widened just a little. "She seems lovely."

"She really is. I'm falling in love with her." My voice lowered greatly, in fear the words would somehow travel to her. I wasn't ready to admit it to Quinn, only because I thought maybe it would scare her off. We did only become official less than two days ago. But that mysterious and delightful soul found her way into my heart some time back.

"Ah, so that's what those eyes were. I don't think you should be worried though." She waved her hand.

"You don't?"

"Nah, mama knows a thing or two about love." She gave me a cheeky grin. "Just...don't think too much about it and you'll know when the time comes to say how you feel. Now come on, the ladies are tearing the kitchen apart. Help me up though."

I laughed and pulled my mom up after getting to my feet.


The loud laughing and chattering filled the entire house. Some of us were in the kitchen and some outside. While I chopped up the veggies, I listened to mom and my grandmoms gush about how cute they thought Quinn to be. For the majority of yesterday and today, the girl clung to me. She only detached herself after Kaidan and Laine dragged her off.

"How's Bran?" I asked my aunt Chloe, popping a piece of carrots in my mouth. He and his family couldn't make it back this weekend.

"He's good but sometimes I forget he's a grown man with his own family now." She lightly laughed.

"Tell me about it. I still can't believe my baby is all grown up with sons of his own." Grandmom Jazz sighed. She and grandpa Luke showed up this morning.

The conversation went on as yelling from outside could be heard. I only hoped they weren't scarring my girlfriend for life out there. The urge to check on her heightened but I knew my brother wouldn't let anything happen to her. But then again, that idiot was a lot like Ma.

"Mom, can you get Ma to lighten up. She's still moping around." I grumbled, remembering the ways she tried scaring Quinn since we got here. She even had a problem with the sleeping arrangements despite all the cousins piling into the basement for a big sleepover. We left the rooms for the older ones. Ma really couldn't hurt anyone unless they proved to be a real threat. She was too soft and playful, but she really did try to get Quinn worked up. Yet, all grandpa had to do was walk by and Quinn started shaking.

"I wouldn't worry about it." Mom brushed it off.

The sound of a gunshot rang through the air but no one reacted since we were all used to it, but I did worry for my girl. "Mom." I whined, eyes wide with panic.

"They're fine. Clam down." Grandmom Char shrugged. I loved that little old lady but, sometimes I wondered if anything ever truly bothered her. I went to leave and see what was going on but she stopped me. "Here, try this." I almost choked on the piece of muffin she shoved into my mouth.

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