Chapter Twenty Nine

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The smile on my face lasted until we made it back home. That smile only got wider as Quinn took my hand in hers, leading me to our apartment in silence. Comfortable and soul soothing silence. I subtly buried my nose in her jacket while she opened the door, her musky scent mixed with another smell I couldn't place.

"After you." I looked up to see her waving me in.

As I walked in, I felt her hand brush my lower back before the click of the door sounded. We made it to my room and leaned against the wall near the door. Quinn was looking at me with a daze look in her eyes as she chewed on her bottom lip, a movement I stared at with want. Wearing my two inch heels, she only stood one inch taller.

"Kaiden and Sadie both warned me, you know." She started, nervously fidgeting with her thumbs.

"Warned you about what?" I stepped closer and took her hands, swaying them slightly between us.

"About hurting you." She murmured, eyes on our joined hands. "They said you were damaged enough over your ex and that while they really liked me, they needed you not to be hurt again."

I sighed, knowing they both meant well but I didn't like it. Not with how sad Quinn looked right now. "They're protective, but I'll talk to them about it. We're getting to know each other, Okay? No need to overthink anything."

She shook her head quickly. "No no, it's not that. I get it. I liked that they cared enough to have that conversation with me. I just," she licked her lips and glanced at me briefly before returning her face to our hands again. "I'm damaged too. I've been hurt, alot. No girl broke my heart but it's there, the pain. It's always there but when I'm with you, it diminishes into nothing. I can smile and laugh, when I sleep next to you there's no nightmares but the hurt is still there. In the back of my mind."

"Hey, look at me." I let go with one hand to cup her face.

She visibly swallowed and stayed looking down, I stroked her cheek with my thumb then. "I don't have anyone to warn you about hurting me. I don't have anyone who cares enough to give you a talking to or tell you to treat me right." Her small voice cracked and she finally set her gaze on me, and the agony in there made my knees buckle but I held up my weight. "So, I'm gonna do it myself, Ry."

"Quinn, I'm not-"

"Please, don't hurt me." She cut me off. "I like you, so much. And even if we can't be more, I still want you in my life, as my friend because I'm already used to having you. I can't lose someone else."

My thumb caught the lone tear that rolled down her tanned cheek. "I don't want to just be your friend, Quinn. I won't hurt you and I'm used to having you too. Can I be honest?" She nodded with a small sniffle and scrunched nose. "I'm going to fall for you. I'm not there yet but I can feel it happening and I'm going to fall hard. How about we both try our best and promise not to hurt each other?"

"Okay, I can do that." She mumbled, nodding to herself.




A little gasp left me when Quinn gripped my hips and harshly tugged me to her. Her mouth came down on mine with a gentleness that didn't match her action. The kiss was soft and cautious despite the stinging grip on my hips, which I didn't mind. I liked it rough. But I let her lead. I waited until her tongue found it's way into mouth just as my hands snaked up her arms, over her shoulders and around her neck. I pulled her closer as I pushed my body to hers. Quinn circled my waist and held me, our kiss got sloppy, wet and hungry. The fire in my belly burned with need for her. I whimpered and sucked on her tongue, eliciting a small moan that resulted in her backing me into the wall.

"We should stop." She mumbled then kissed me again.

"We should." I threaded my fingers through her short hair.

We didn't stop, instead she picked me up and I automatically wrapped my legs around her waist, her jacket falling off of my shoulders. Her lips left my mouth, licking a line across my jaw, then kissed down my neck. Wet, opened mouth kisses that made me grind on her lower stomach. Quinn moaned again, sucking on my pulse point.

"Ry," she moved her mouth to my ear, licking the shell of it and nibbling. I hummed, hands keeping her head in place as I kept up my slow grind. "I'm gonna stop."

"O-okay." I moaned when she bit down on my neck. She didn't stop, her hands hesitantly moved from my hips to my ass but over my dress. "Squeeze."

She did. Carefully at first then with a little more force. Quinn's hands didn't wander anywhere else, her soft lips found my mouth again. We kissed nasty and hungrily, eventually slowing down to a gentle pace.

"I'm stopping for real this time." She quietly and shyly spoke.

I chuckled a little, giving her one last peck and slid my legs off of her. Quinn placed me on my feet with the same caution she always used with me. She always touched me with care, like I'd break or she'd bruise me. I did love it but I also loved the force she
used on me just then.

"Stay with me tonight?" My fingers played with her hair on her nape.

She fixed her jacket on me, asking, "are you sure?"

"Yes, I need some cuddles after that. It's only fair." I grinned.

"Sweet." She smiled, showing off her dimples even more.

Quinn went to change and I did the same. I shrugged out of her jacket, slipped my dress off and grabbed some clothes to sleep in. After a quick shower that washed away my arousal, I put on a tank top and shorts. I flopped down on my bed while I waited for her to have her own shower.

I allowed the fresh memories of our date to engulf me, replaying each and every moment and enjoying it nonetheless. Her jacket laid on my bed so I picked it up and held it to my chest. I would scream out in happiness if not for Quinn right next door.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a white object. My head turned to see a piece of paper lying where the jacket once rested. Sitting up and criss crossing my legs, I took it and opened it up. I felt it again, that same feeling from the flower field. The calming through my body and the sighing of my soul. My heartbeat did increase this time and the butterflies did appear.

In my hands was a list.

-hold her hand
-open her door
-ask her something personal
-bring snacks
-compliment her
-say something corny
-give her my jacket
-make sure she enjoys the date
-kiss her

I wanted to cry out of pure joy. It was her handwriting and the words she'd been mumbling earlier on, suddenly made sense.

My door opened and in walked a sleepy and tired looking Quinn. She'd put on one of the Tom and Jerry boxers along with a vest, no bra. I would've gawked at her body but I was too busy sending her heart eyes she didn't notice. Without a word she laid beside me, face down.

Not wanting her to feel shy or embarrassed, I opened the draw on my night stand and put the paper in. I threw the jacket across the room and it landed on the loveseat, some pride bubbled in me at my aim. Laying down, Quinn took no time in tugging me to her, eyes closed and on the verge of sleep.

"Night night." She mumbled into my hair.

"Good night." My face snuggled into her chest and I let myself drift away with her.


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