Chapter Nine

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Quinn disappeared on me. We came to purchase a t.v. together and now the girl was gone. I searched down the aisles of the store, refraining from calling her name because I didn't want to look like some weirdo. Ten minutes later and still no sign of her. We probably should've exchanged numbers.

I can't believe I lost a grown ass girl.

I kept searching, rechecking where I already did. I passed by other customers, trying not to touch anyone. Today was crowded with a lot of window shoppers. I was about to give up and go to checkout so they'd make an announcement. My roommate was in for an ass whooping for this kind of embarrassment.

Maybe I'll lie and say it's a child I'm looking for.

Before I reached my destination, I caught a glimpse of the younger girl. She sat on a stool next to an old man who was sitting on a wheelchair. They were both laughing, eyes glued to the television that displayed Tom and Jerry.

Quinn's laughter echoed through the noisy atmosphere. It was loud yet soft, sweet with a high pitch but soothing. I couldn't exactly explain the sound but I knew I didn't mind hearing it. My annoyance had long gone and replaced with delight.

Just like every time I saw her in her own little world, I couldn't intervene. I waited until they were done before calling her name. She turned to me with childlike joy.

"Ry, where'd you go? You shouldn't just disappear like that. Meet Craig, Craig this is my friend Rylee." Quinn rambled out.

The only thing I could focus on, was her saying I disappeared. I was the one going crazy looking for her. She was sitting there watching cartoons.

"It's nice to meet you, I heard you're a great cook." The old man smiled, a no teeth smile.

I smiled back politely. "It's nice to meet you too."

He and Quinn exchanged a few words then we left to get what we actually came here for.

"Do not ever do that again." I told my company.

"Huh? What did I do?" Her gaze switched from her feet to meet my eyes.

"You left!" I lightly hit her arm. "Say something next time."

"Ow." I saw a pout appear. "I did say something. The old dude had trouble with his wheelchair and I helped him. Then he made me take him to see the cartoons and they were showing my favorite. How can I not watch." She threw her hands up as she spoke, like I was stupid for not knowing all that.

I left it as that and we proceeded to buy a television to our liking.

"Take the bigger one." Quinn whispered in my ear.

She stood behind me, distancing herself from the man who assisted us. She was weird like that. "Bigger means more expensive." I whispered back.

"I have money, I want the big one." She whispered again.

At least she thought she whispered because I'm sure the man could still hear her. "You work in a flower shop." I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see.

I heard a small gasp leave her lips. "That's just rude. I want the big one."





"You suck at whispering."

"You suck at...buying stuff." She shot back lamely.

I groaned quietly.


"There. Look how great it looks." Quinn arms spread out towards the television we just mounted on the wall.

We got the big one.

I hummed from my place on the couch behind her. "How come you never bought one before?"

She shrugged her lazy shrug. "I never had someone to watch with me. Now I do." She came and sat next to me. "Friends watch t.v. together right?" Her unique eyes searched mine for the answer.

I smiled, though I felt a little sad. Quinn asked me questions like she'd always been alone. I didn't want to believe that but it seemed that way. The few questions she'd ask all left me feeling heavy. Yesterday she asked if it was okay for her to ask me to spend time together. Being her friend and all. Not to mention the few times I found her up in the middle of the night, just sitting and staring at her hands.

"Yes, yes we do." I gave her the remote to find us something.

As she looked, I kept my gaze on her. Her eyes squinted and lips swished to the side, giving me a nice view of one dimple. I sighed quietly, wondering what took place for this incredible human to be on her own. Though I craved to ask, so many question were at the tip of my tongue. I didn't, she'd do that on her own timing.

Quinn was one of those people who you just knew were good. I could already tell in this few weeks we've lived together. An innocent and kind aura swirled around her. I'd come to see just how mischievous she could be, sometimes a little clumsy and weird. But the cute clumsy and good weird. She was warming up to me and I found I was to her.

"Ohh, a horror." Her eyes lit up.

"Um no. I don't do horrors." I tried to get the remote but she held it away.

"Why not?" She frowned, her green and blue eyes dimming with disappointment.


"Fine." I relented.

"Sweet." She got up and walked into the kitchen.

I mentally berated myself, already dreading this. I could hear shuffling and the sound of the microwave in the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back with a big bowl of popcorn, already shoving a handful in her mouth.

"Do you wanna hold it?" She asked with her mouth full.

I shook my head.

She sat next to me with the bowl on her lap. Ten minutes into the movie and I was so done. Quinn sat with her popcorn, eyes twinkling as she laughed at shit that made me jump.

"Change it." I blurted out when someone's head came off. " Seriously, change it now."

"Why, this is good stuff." She laughed.

"Quinn, if you expect food in the morning, you'll change it right now." I told her. Of course I wasn't serious but she didn't know that.

"Bullspit." Her eyes widened. "That's not fair."

I laughed at the word she used. "I'm sorry but bullspit?"

"It's a word." She huffed.

"But who uses it?" I chuckled as she looked offended.

"I do." She folded her arms and leaned back.

Of course the girl doesn't actually curse.

"Are you going to change it?"

She silently handed me the remote. I started to look for another movie, trying to ignore the sulking girl beside me. Her arms stayed folded and she sported one of the saddest looks I've ever seen. For some reason her words replayed in my head.

I never had someone to watch with me.

I wanted to kick myself, I despised horrors. They were either to crappy or scared the shit out of me. But the clearly upset girl beside me wouldn't allow me to change it without feeling guilty. I turned on her movie again and leaned back. From my periphal I saw her perk up, grab her popcorn again and set her undivided attention on the screen.

"Thanks, Ry."

I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.


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