Chapter Thirty Nine

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"What's wrong with you?"

"Good morning to you too." I mumbled, slowly sitting down.

Every part of my body felt sore and ached from our night of fun. We really over did it but I still wouldn't complain. Too much. Who knew Quinn could be so passionate and rough at the same time. And damn her stamina which I also greatly appreciated but man, it hurt now.

"Ohhh damn, look at your neck. You guys totally did the nasty." My best friend squealed. "How was it? Was she good? Did she completely rock your world? Send you to a new dimension and made you rethink everything you thought you knew about life?"

I pursed my lips, taking up the cup of coffee she ordered for me before I got here and drank. "I'm not giving anything away. Have you ordered? I'm hungry."

Sadie leaned back with a smug smile. "Ah, yes. Our Quinn is a private person and wouldn't like you talking about your sex life. But come on, give me something."

I tsked and rocked my head side to side. "Well, you saw me. I can barely walk." I smirked at her dropped jaw.

"Damn. Well, at least one of us is getting some." A pout appeared on her face as her eyes drifted to my baby brother.

Gosh, they were both stupid.

"What's going on with you two?"

A deep frown appeared on her heart shaped face, chocolate skin glimmering in the mid morning sun and brown eyes shining with her fury. "Nothing! That's the problem. The idiot just freaking stares and does nothing."

I physically leaned away from the small outburst, the amount of frustration very much transparent. "Maybe you could make the first move?" I tentatively suggested only to regret it the minute she glared at me.

"No offence, Riles but your brother is still being a ho. I'm not making the first move when he still fucks around." She angrily muttered.

"So do you." I again regretted speaking because my very short tempered friend suddenly stood up.

Leaning over our table with a threatening look, she came close to my face. "I'm not. Not after I realised Kaiden was jealous. Only to have him doing the same thing right now. I could be out getting myself some dick or pussy. Or better yet, both. A threesome. But am I? No, I am not." She angrily gritted out quietly, then retook her seat.

I opted to stay quiet then. The angry look still present on her face as she set her gaze out the window. Man, short people are mean. I drank my coffee too scared to mention my hungry tummy.

As I checked the time, I noticed I only had a few more minutes until Quinn came to get me. She'd dropped me off before going to drop something for Miss Nina, then we'd go to meet aunt Bri and Ma at the police station. Quinn had decided she wanted the whole story and maybe meet Miranda. I could tell my girl wasn't too sure about the latter, she seemed hesitant and almost scared. Doubt weighed heavy on her too, second guessing if the fifteen year old could truly be her sister.

"Kaiden can be a clueless idiot sometimes. He thinks you're still seeing that guy from karaoke night and he doesn't know you feel the same way. Maybe you two should just, I don't" I finally have my little opinion after she visibly calmed down.

With folded arms my little hot headed friend rolled her eyes. I smiled at the childish behaviour, fully remembering whenever she got mad Sadie would withdraw from everyone. Her way of coping.

"Your girl's here."

My head instantly turned to the door, seeing her waltzing in. Contrary to when I'd first met her, Quinn's eyes scanned her surroundings. They weren't glued to the floor but held high, glancing around until her eyes landed on me. A smile had already found its way on my face the moment I saw her, but it only widened when her face lit up.

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