Chapter Fifteen

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I stabbed the spade into the dirt, lifted and turned the soil over. The process repeated until the flower beds were done. I zipped down my coverall but left it up since I didn't want to get too burnt. It always hurt when I got too much. I grabbed my water, drinking some and letting some fall over my face.

Rilee had put my hair up in a bun this morning. I had thoughts about cutting it off and later on in the week I'd go get it done.

I continued on with my work, adding the compost to the soil and turning it in. Just like every day I worked, Mrs Silverman's sister watched me. I thought she was a nice lady but I didn't like the way she looked at me. I darted my eyes over to her and surely, she sat there staring me down.

Turning so my back faced her, I zipped my coverall back up. "Pervert."

I checked the time when I finished for the day, seeing it was just after five. Mrs Silverman's sister was still there. Ignoring her, I knocked on the front door after packing up the truck.

"Done for today, Quinn?" The middle aged lady asked nicely.

"Yeah, tomorrow I'll finish the planting and start on the topiary tree you wanted. The wood chips mulch for the pathway should also be here tomorrow." I informed her.

"Oh thank you, sweetie. Have a safe drive home."

"Enjoy your night, Mrs Silverman." I waved and walked to my truck, knocked the dirt off of my boots and got in.

I sped my way home, in desperate need for shower. The smell of something really nice greeted me. I walked further in and saw Ry in the kitchen, cooking and dancing to the music she played. My eyes unintentionally scanned her body, dressed in a sleeveless hoodie and really short shorts.

I looked away, my cheeks heating up when I realised where my eyes went. I didn't want to disturb her, so I just went to my room. I took off my boots and clothes then walked into the bathroom, only a towel around my waist. I let my hair out, removed my towel and stepped into the now hot water.

I washed my hair first, then left the conditioner in and scrubbed and cleaned my body. I lathered my thingy and let it drop, laughing quietly at the way it swung side to side.

It didn't bother me having it, but it did leave me feeling out of place most days. I thought about letting Ry know about it, thinking she deserved to know she lived with someone who had an extra appendage. I got out of the shower and went to grab my towel when the bathroom door opened.

Ry stood there eyes wide open and I let out a very girlish scream. My hand flew down to cover myself but then I remembered I had breasts too. They came up to cover those which left my thingy exposed. I turned my body around and pressed against the wall.

"I'm in here!" I yelled.

"I didn't know you were home!" She yelled back.

"You didn't hear the shower running?!"

"I have music on!"

"Why are you yelling at me?!"

"You're yelling at me!"

"Why are you still in here?!"

"Fuck sorry. I-I...fuck." The door slammed shut.

My heart pounded hard against my ribcage as I slid down the wall. My eyes stayed open as far as they could go.

She just saw me naked.


I scrambled to my feet and ran to my room, shut the door behind me and put on the first thing I got my hands on. A vest and boxer shorts. I got under my covers and stayed there, not caring about my wet hair. After twenty minutes passed, I saw a shadow underneath my door. I lifted up on my elbows, seeing the shadow move back and forth. Then a knock came when the shadow stilled.

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