Chapter Six

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Watching my best friend eat was both amusing and disgusting. The girl barely got one bite down and she already had another one going into her mouth. Her cheeks puffed out as she chewed, and she was on her second burger after throwing down two portions of fries and some of mine. Our table had chunks of food scattered about and people kept giving us side eyes.

"Sade, did you skip a few days of meals?" I leaned over our table. She opened her mouth to answer but I frantically shook my head. "Please, finish chewing."

She swallowed her bite and took a sip of her water. "So, I thought about working out, you know, like you said. And I went for a run this morning and fuck, Riles. I feel like I haven't eaten in days. The fuck!" Her eyes widened in disbelief.

I laughed out at the look on her face. "You could have told me, I would've come with you."

She waved a hand and continued eating.

I stayed still not eating anymore, because I just couldn't look away. Finally deciding to tear my eyes off my best friend, I took in my surroundings. It wasn't that busy today, probably due to everyone being at work at the moment. At least running my own business had its perks.

"Are you coming tonight?"

"Yeah, Kaiden wants me to meet Vicki." I replied, taking a fry to chew on.

Sadie scoffed. "Don't give a shit but we're singing a duet."

Tonight was karaoke night and every week when we were back in high school, Sadie and I made it a tradition to sing. Then when I went away to college, each time I visited we would keep it up.

"Am I not going to like this Vicki?" I asked curiously.

"She's only with Kaiden because he owns this place and makes a decent income. The girl is bad news, Riles." She shrugged.

"Did you talk to him about it?" I frowned, knowing Sadie was a good judge of character.

"Yeah, we had a fight. He's too nice to see it." She rolled her eyes, sending a glare to my brother's back. He was too busy with work to notice us.

I chuckled at her childish behavior but didn't say more. My eyes caught a familiar figure entering the cafe, hands stuck into her jacket pockets and head down. I followed her movements to another booth, patiently waiting for someone to take her order.

"Hey, can I ask my roommate to come tonight?" I turned back to Sadie.

"Sure. What's the deal? We trying to get into her pants or what?" She casually sipped her drink.

"No, I'm not ready for another...anything yet. Just trying to be nice." I answered honestly.

She got up with a very unattractive belch. "Rilee Matthews, always such a darling. You deserve the world, babe." She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "And yeah, sure she can come. I'll see you tonight."

"Bye." I waved as she left.

Taking up the remainder of my food, I walked to my roommate. I placed my ass on the seat across from her and smiled when she looked up. Quinn frowned at me, I waited for a smile but got none.

"Do you ever smile?" I lifted a brow at the girl.

"Why?" She looked out the window then back at me.

"I'm starting to think that's your favorite word." I popped a fry in my mouth.

"Why?" She stopped as her face heated up. "Oh." A hand lightly scratched on her neck.

The site made me smile bigger.

Her food came and the other girl immediately went in. She ate in a more pleasant manner than my best friend but still at a quick pace.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come out with me and some friends tonight. It's right here, for karaoke."

Quinn swallowed her food before answering. "I can't come in here when it's a bar." She mumbled quietly, another blush coating her face.

I tilted my head as I regarded the unique girl. Blue and green eyes darting around before settling on her food. "You can still be here if you're not twenty one, they just won't serve you alcohol. They ask for ID."

Her eyes met mine, an innocent panic in them. "I don't drink!" She firmly yet quietly informed me.

I bit my lip trying not to smile, giving her a nod I let her finish her food as I did the same. Quinn ate quicker than I did but like everytime we had breakfast, she stayed sitting. It took me until the third morning of sharing a meal, to realise the girl was waiting for me to finish as well.

"Are you going back to work now?" I asked once I was done.

She shook her head. "Miss Nina gave me the day off."

"How come?" I glanced around to see more people coming in, but snapped my focus back to my roommate when she answered.

"It's my birthday today." She casually informed. "I told her I didn't want a day off but she insisted. She even brought me a slice of cake. I like cake." She messed with the condiments packets on the table as she spoke.

"Happy birthday, Quinn. I wish you'd said something before, I would've made a better effort at breakfast." I lightly laughed. "How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen." She answered quietly.

I thought-

"You just turned eighteen?" She nodded. "I thought you came here about a year ago? You were alone all this time and underage? Or is your family close by?" I asked, shocked at the revelation.

"No, Miss Nina took me in. I wasn't alone. I don't wanna talk about it anymore." The little house she built with the packets fell, gaining a barely audible groan from her.

I stared at the younger girl for a moment. "What else do you like, other than cake?" I changed the topic, respecting her privacy.

She bit her lip as she thought. "I like flowers, and I like your cooking." She nodded to herself.

I grinned at her answer. "Anything else?"

"I don't think so." She mumbled.

"Hmm, will you let me know if you remember something?" I tried to look into her eyes but she never focused on one thing long enough, especially not me.

"Why?" She finally locked eyes with mine.

"I just...I want to know." I shrugged.

"What do you like?"She kept her gaze on me.

Her eyes really were beautiful, and those dimples were swoon worthy. Her lips swished to the side, making one look deeper than the other.

"Well, other than photography...umm, I like racing. Well, watching races. I'd never actually race. My parents and grandparents would kill me." I laughed at the hypocrisy of my grandma. "And well, karaoke and soft ball. I played in high school."

"What's your favorite color?" She asked right after.


"Ew." She scrunched her nose at me.

I laughed and flicked her hand that laid on the table. "I know, not many people get it."

"I like brown. The shade of your eyes. Amber." She stated.

It wasn't done in a flirtatious manner, simply giving a piece of fact about herself.

I cleared my throat to rid the weird but familiar feeling. I hadn't felt that little flutter in a long time. I didn't want that flutter again, not if it came with the same outcome as before.

"So, tonight? We can celebrate your birthday." I gave her what I hoped was a pleading look.

For the first time since I met her, she smiled. It was small but still a smile. I also noticed that her smile was a little crooked, favoring the left side.

"Okay, I'll come."


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