Chapter Thirty Three

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I braced my head on my closed fist and stared down at my girlfriend. My girlfriend. I had a girlfriend and the feeling of belonging to someone had a foreign feeling bubbling in my chest. Someone wanted me, someone cared about me and the thought made me feel like crying tears of joy. But I didn't.

I nuzzled my face in her hair, smelling the scent of her hair product, I needed to ask the name of it. Along with her flowery smell, it made my head dizzy, but in a good way. I peppered her neck and cheek with butterfly kisses, not sure if I wanted to wake her up or not. I decided that I did, in fact, want her awake with me.

"Ry," I murmured in her ear. "Wake up with me." She stirred and pulled her covers closer. "Ryyy," that earned a groan and tiny head shake. "I know you're up, give your girlfriend some attention." This time she smiled.

I continued to shower her with kisses until she rolled over. I watched with rapt attention as those eyes revealed themselves to me. With the early morning light coming through, they shined golden and not for the first time, I fell. The need to convey just how much she made me feel was weighing on me. I bit my tongue knowing she probably didn't feel that much for me. Hopefully she will in the future.

Then last night replayed over in my head. The touching, the moans and near screams that came from her. The way she made me feel, it all sent a shiver through the length of my body. My eyes dropped to her bare chest, the dusty rose coloured nipples were hard and I licked my lips.

"See something you like?" A half sleepy voice asked.

Without removing my gaze, I nodded eagerly. "I saw you naked last night. I like it."

"Come here." She placed her hand on my face and drew me to her. Ry gave me a closed mouth kiss and smiled at me. "You're beautiful."

Me? Has she seen herself?

"I'm gonna get you a mirror." I scrunched my nose at her.

Ry laughed and sat up, making me do the same. "We should get ready. We're meeting Sadie and Kaiden at the cafe so we can all go together."

I lifted my gaze from her chest and to her eyes. Panic filled me at the reminder. We were going over to her great grandparents house for the weekend. They passed away but Ry said they left the house to her grandparents, and it's the only one big enough to fit everyone.

"I'm scared." I blurted out. "What if they don't like me?"

Ry only smiled and pecked me again. "Impossible. You're too amazing." She got up, not bothering to get dressed.

I watched her naked form saunter away. With swaying hips, bouncing hair and glowing skin, she disappeared from my sight. My girlfriend was an ethereal being and she chose to date a mere mortal.

Please, don't ever realise how much better you can do, Ry.


My legs bounced nervously while my hand scratched my neck. As time went by my nerves increased and I felt nauseated. We were at the cafe, Ry and her brother were packing up some pastries to take with us. We were the only ones here since he didn't open today. I sat at a booth as my thoughts ate away at me.

"Nervous?" Sadie asked as she sat down.

I swallowed and shook my head, then nodded. "What if they don't like me?"

Sadie regarded me closely with a smile and eyes squinted. "You knew about this for a while now. Why so nervous now?"

Because she was taking me there as her roommate but now I'm her girlfriend.

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