Chapter Fifty One

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My hand blindly reached for Quinn when her warmth didn't engulf me first thing this morning. Begrudgingly I opened my eyes to see her side of the bed empty and cold. I rolled out of bed and sleepily walked outside.

"Quinn?" I called out to be greeted by silence. Can't believe she left me without saying goodbye.

For the past three weeks Quinn, Ava and Miranda spent all their free time together. They'd do anything from come to our locations, go to work with Quinn or watched Miranda practice. Many times I'd come home to find the three of them playing video games and goofing around, and in those moments, I let them be.

Thanks to my girl I now had my home office and while she reunited with her sisters, I worked. I honestly did not mind how much time she spent away from me but there were times I'd miss her terribly. We'd spend our days away from each other and at night she'd gush about how happy she was. Each time she included me in those rants so I let my heart be satisfied with that.

But I thought today would be different...

I pouted and made my way to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and showered. I got dressed in Quinn's clothes, boxer briefs and hoodie, and walked to the kitchen to make something to eat. Halfway through the front door opened quietly and Quinn appeared a few seconds after, creeping in like she didn't want to be too loud.

"Good morning." I greeted from the kitchen.

The girl screamed and turned around. "Freaking poop, Ry. I thought you'd still be asleep."

I turned to the stove and started on my pancakes. "I got hungry. Where's Peanut?"

I could hear her come closer as I continued my breakfast. "He's in the truck with Lily, she needs my help for something. I just forgot my wallet." Quinn came up behind me and put a kiss on my cheek.

"What time are you coming home? I thought we could do something." I turned to face her.

"Oh," she pouted. "I'm not sure how long it'll take but I'll call you."

I watched the dorky grin on her face and sighed quietly. "Alright." I turned off the stove and walked with my plate of pancakes.

Quinn left to get her wallet and waved me goodbye.

Sitting at our dining table alone, I eyed my food before putting it away. Walking over to the couch, I flopped down and hugged a throw pillow to my chest. I picked up my phone to see texts from my family all saying the same thing. When my moms called I spoke to them for a while before putting the phone down.

"Happy freaking birthday, Rilee."

I decided to watch some television as a way of not thinking about my girlfriend forgetting my birthday. Last time we spoke about it, she agreed to go down by the lake with me. I wanted to take some photos of the scenery there and we were going to have a picnic. Then tonight we'd have dinner with my family. That's what we planned but I guess the excitement of having her sisters back washed that away.

I really didn't care about being neglected before, Quinn deserved it. All three of them did. They deserved to get back the time they lost and to either be kids or whatever they wanted right now. But today I wanted to be selfish with her. Today I wanted my girl to myself but I couldn't bring myself to remind her. Not when she left so early to go do.....whatever it is they were doing.

After my fifth episode of Friends, I went to switch Quinn's briefs for some jeans. I grabbed my camera, keys, phone and wallet before leaving out the door. About to get in my car, a familiar voice stopped me.

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