Chapter Thirteen

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My brother sat eating his breakfast quietly across from me, Quinn sitting to my left. She claimed she saw the balcony better from this spot rather than her previous one. I didn't believe her.

Kaiden showed up looking like his dog died and hadn't said anything since then. I figured it had to do with Vicki or something along those lines. So I made my brother and roommate breakfast and here we were.

"Ry?" Quinn leaned over and whispered in her version of whispering.

"Yeah?" I made sure my voice was an actual whisper.

"Why does he look like that?" She continued.

"I don't know." I shrugged, my eyes on my big little brother.



"Can I have the rest of your food?"

I smiled with my eyes still focused on my brother. "Sure, Quinn."


I heard the plate scrape against the table as she pulled it to her. I removed my eyes from Kaiden and looked to Quinn, who was already devouring the food.

She'd finished hers in record time but as usual she stayed put waiting. Her portions grew larger as she got more comfortable around me and in return I made more food.

"I kissed Sadie!" Kaiden blurted out. "No, that's a lie. We slept together. Oh, fuck, I wasn't suppose to tell you that and now I did." Kaiden stood and started to pace. "It happened before you came back and we were both so very drunk. The next morning she said it was a mistake and we should forget about it. I fucked up." He sat down again and put his cheek on the table.

I blinked and kept still, my brain on overdrive while trying to comprehend what he just said.

My brother and my best friend slept together.

That's something right there. They barely liked each other when I left. Sadie only played nice because I begged her to and Kaiden was the normal annoying little brother. Now, he's saying they slept together?

"Fudge." The girl beside me spoke.

"Huh?" Kaiden's head whipped up.

"You should say 'I fudged up' instead, it's sounds better than the other word." She then shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth, chewing and nodding to her words. "Yeah, that sounds better."

Kaiden's eyes landed on me, his face holding a frown. "Riles, I'm not saying fudge."

I gave a lopsided grin. "I know."

"Whatever." Quinn got up and started clearing the table.

Quinn took my attention until she'd finish her work in the kitchen, then she disappeared into her room without a word. I knew she was getting dressed for work before meeting Miss Nina for the truck. Today would be her first day on her new job.

"She's different." Kaiden spoke, bringing my attention to him now.

"So, you screwed my best friend." I raised my eyebrows at my brother who was shrinking back.

"It just happened." He mumbled.

"How does that just happen? No, don't answer that." I cringed. "And what about Vicki?"

Kaiden sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. "I was trying to get over her. Sadie."

"So, it wasn't know?" I asked, looking at him intently.

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