Chapter Twenty Seven

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I stared at myself through the mirror, pleased with the tiny bit of makeup on my face. My curly hair stayed down past my shoulders, a request from Quinn. Moving towards my closet, I eyed my options.

Quinn said anything I felt comfortable with but that didn't really tell me what I should wear. I didn't want jeans, maybe a dress? A casual dress, nothing too sexy or out there. Or maybe I should wear something sexy, make her drool a bit.

"Ugh." I groaned and turned to the sound of my door opening.

"That shower was amazing." My best friend sang and threw her towel clad body on my bed.

"Don't you have your own shower at home." I mumbled, returning to my search for clothes.

Apparently Quinn decided on a day date, saying she had more than one thing planned. Intrigued by the way she beamed, I simply gave a smile and nodded, accepting my 3 o'clock date.

"I live with three other people." Sadie's reply came.

I heard movement behind me, looking over my shoulder to see her remove the towel and reach for my favorite sweatshirt.

"Nuh uh. Hands off." I grabbed it out of her hands. "And put on some damn clothes." I added, safely storing the piece of clothing away.

"Says the girl in her underwear." She reached for more of my clothes. "Fuck, I'm small. All your clothes are too big." She looked down at the sweats she had put on.

"Next time bring your own then. Besides, that ass of yours is anything but small." I laid down on my bed, starfish style.

"I know right. Your brother loves it." She laughed, bending over and wiggling.

I gagged. "Gross. Speaking of my brother, when are you two idiots going to stop being idiots?" I rolled on my side, head propped on my closed fist.

Sadie sighed and shook her head, indicating she didn't want to talk about it. My best friend removed the other towel to reveal her afro and slipped a shirt on. I silently watched the troubled look on her face as she came to stand beside me.

"You're probably not going to get these back." She gestured to my clothes she wore.

"I know." I rolled my eyes. "You can talk to me, Sade. This friendship works both ways." I sat up and patted the bed.

"When I'm ready, I will." She smiled but stayed standing. "What's important right now is you getting dressed for your big date." She pulled me to my feet, pushing me to my closet with a smack on my ass. "Oh, you got some bumper too."

"Shut up."

"I guess whether Quinn's an ass or a breast girl isn't going to matter. You're fully blessed in both areas. Not too big or too small. It's perfect really." She grinned, pushing past me to pull out some options.

"Whatever. Stop checking me out." I muttered, cheeks heated in embarrassment. The thought of Quinn looking at me like that caused a sweet flutter in my stomach.

"Babygirl, other Quinn, I'm the only one allowed to check you out. Best friend privileges, can't have you looking homeless." She furrowed her brows, analyzing the clothes she picked out.

Quinn. I sighed, thinking about the girl. Blue and green eyes dancing around in my memory, a crooked dimpled smile and all her little quirks. I smiled at her inability to curse even when 'angry'.

"Sade?" I sat on my bed, legs criss crossed. She hummed, taking out more articles of clothing. "I don't want to get hurt again."

Sadie stopped her search and came to me. She pursed her lips and stared at me, presumably thinking of what to say to my little confession.

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