Chapter Thirty Seven

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-Trigger Warning

I pulled up my pants, flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I had to stand on the stepping stool to reach the tap. I made sure to wash and dry my hands really good because mommy always told me to. I pulled up my pjs that slipped down my butt and walked out in the dark hallway where Ava waited for me.

"Are you done?" She always came with me because I was afraid of the dark.

I nodded and took her hand. We walked to our bedroom and crawled into our own beds. "Good night, Ava."

"Good night, Quinny."

The next time I woke up, Ava was screaming and someone roughly threw me over their shoulders.



"Shut the fuck up!"

I kicked and screamed, watching the way he dragged Ava by her arm. The man went down to our living room and tossed Ava in a corner before doing the same to me. We cuddled up to each other but quickly scrambled to mommy when we saw her with Lily.

"It's okay, it's okay." Her arms held us three tightly. "Mommy's here."

I didn't understand what was going on or why the bad man was in our home. Through my tears I saw another man laying on the floor, blood around his body. I had cut open my knee yesterday but it didn't bleed that much. There were two red cans too. Daddy had one of those in the garage.

The man who brought us down walked around, shouting words at daddy. Daddy was hurt, I saw bruises on his face and his bare belly.

"Mommy, why's he hurting daddy?" Ava had asked while I kept looking at the other man on the floor.

Lily cried loudly and it made the bad man angry. He came to where we sat on the floor, grabbed Ava away from us, though mommy tried to stop him, and put the gun to her head. I knew what it was, I saw it in a movie once and asked. Only this gun had something added to it, I didn't know what that was.

"Please, do what you want to me. Anything but let them go, please." Daddy had cried.

"She's just a child. She's only seven, please." Mommy begged the bad man.

With wide, scared eyes, I watched my twin scream and cry. Her hands reaching in mommy's direction but the bad man held her to him.

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