Chapter Forty Five

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"So tell me about this girl." I spoke, eating my ice cream as Lily and I walked towards The Friendly Bean.

Lately we have been more time together since school was out now. She'd come to the apartment or even accompanied me to work. Lily didn't like flowers as much as me, but she listened whenever I talked about it and I listened when she talked about basketball and skateboarding. I'd also tell her what I remembered of our old life and our parents which she seemed to enjoy.

Lily blushed and looked down to her ice cream cup, a small smile on her lips. "Her name's Sierra and she's amazing." Lily sighed.

I smiled a bit amused by her short description. "That's all I get? What does she like, how did you start dating?"

Her face burned an even deeper shade of red. "We're not together, just friends. She doesn't like me like that and I met her at school obviously. We were both late and bumped into each other. She was nice and then the next day she started showing up at my basketball practices. She's the lead in the school play, typical Romeo and Juliet thing. Anyway, after about a week of her showing up, she asked me to sit with her at lunch and I didn't understand why because I'm only friends with the girls on the team but I eat alone. Then that day when I didn't sit by her, she came outside under the tree with me. We've been friends ever since." She finished, taking a deep breath because she rushed it all out.

"But you're just friends and she doesn't like you like that?" I frowned, questioning everything she told me because that sounds like this Sierra kid likes my baby sister.


"Sweet." I don't buy it.

My smile dropped when I thought about Ava and how we've both been waiting for her to show up. It had been a week since Ry spoke to her and while she still showed up for work, she avoided my girlfriend. I wanted to visit her myself but thought better of it. Like Lily and I, Ava was hurt too and I'd wait for my sister to come to me when she was ready.

When we reached the cafe, I had already devoured my waffle cone while Lily ate at a slower pace. Inside wasn't so busy today and I flitted my gaze over the few customers in search of my curly haired girl. She sat up front next to Sadie and Kaiden who worked behind the counter. Lily excused herself when she saw some friends from her team and I told her not to go anywhere else. I beelined to the laughing angel and circled my arms across her chest as she sat, my face finding its place in her hair.

"Oh, hi. Kinda scared me, Quinbee." Ry tilted her head back and grinned up at me.

"Sorry, I just missed you." I placed a tender kiss on her soft lips. Oh, she ate a muffin.

I heard a gagging sound, turning away to see Sadie rolling her eyes next. "Relax, you saw her this morning."

I frowned before replying. "Don't be bitter your boyfriend isn't loving up on you."

The brown eyed girl scoffed, giving an unsuspecting Kaiden a weird look while he attended to a customer. "Please, I get plenty. Too fucking much. This morning I almost had a heart attack when I woke up to him just staring at me like some creep. An adorable creep but still a creep."

Ry started laughing abruptly, clutching my arm that still stayed around her as she sat and leaned into me. "He gets that from Ma. They'd both do that to mom when he was younger and Ma still does it. I'm guessing that's why his lip is busted."

"Yes!" Sadie laughed out. "You can't do that and expect to not get hit."

My eyes trailed over to where Lily sat, laughing and talking to the girls on her basketball team. I felt even more happy than before, seeing her be so carefree. Lily's hair color was similar to mine, even her dressing style but her loose jeans had cuts at her knees and she wore bomber jackets. Her gaze met mine and she grinned, waving at me before turning back to her friends.

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