Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N: please don't take anything down below to heart. We don't do racism or body shaming here. ❤🌈


I grumpily walked into the studio, heading in the direction of chattering. Twenty models either walked around or were getting their makeup done. Placing my purse and travel mug down, I frowned at the sight.

All of them looked the same, which didn't sit right with me. This was meant to be a body positivity campaign. I scanned the faces of the women, some familiar and some new.

"What's with your face?" Sadie came up to me.

I waved a hand, gesturing to the models. "They're all tall, skinny and white. Where's my colours and sizes?"

"You're white. Well, like two thirds white." She pointed out.

"Exactly, there's some black in here too." I smirked.

"Apparently the guy who chose the models prefers well," she nodded her head to the women.

"How far did you guys get yesterday?" I asked, rounding the desk to my chair but stayed standing.

"Not far, we didn't want to do much without you. By the way, is Quinn ok?" Sadie asked with genuine worry.

I smiled at first but then my cheeks heated up. Memories of last night replayed and my body shivered just thinking about it. The innocence in her eyes, her face after she came all over me and what followed...

I asked Quinn to sleep with me in my bed. Faking being scared to sleep after our movies, but really it was more for her than me. I didn't want her going to bed alone with the chance of having anymore nightmares, and I recalled her calming down in my arms that one night. She also slept peacefully on our camping trip.

Waking up to the girl was even better than going to sleep next to her. And for the first time, I fell asleep to the beating of someone's heart in my ear, her hand playing with my hair, in the warmth of her embrace. Protected and safe. Usually I'm the one doing that, it made an unfamiliar yet distinctive emotion arise in me.

"Yeah, she's good." I cleared my throat and took a sip of my coffee.

"What is that?" Sadie leaned over the desk, pulling the neckline of my top.

"Dude." I swatted her hands away.

"Is that a fucking hickey? It is! Wait, no way. Yes!" She shouted, fists pumping the air. "You skipped work to fuck." She whisper yelled.

Looking around, I shushed her. "No, I didn't. We didn't have sex." I gritted out.

Sadie grinned smugly and leaned forward, putting her palms on the desk. "There's a mark on your neck that says otherwise."

I rubbed the spot where I knew Quinn's mouth had been. This morning I left in a hurry, Quinn was still fast asleep in my bed. I liked having her there. Thoughts about where this left us came full force. Were we together? Friends with benefits? Ugh, please not the second one. I needed to talk to her.

"We only made out. A lot." I lied, keeping the details for myself.

Usually Sadie knew everything but I felt like keeping Quinn for myself. Not like hiding but savouring. Besides, Quinn was a private person and I knew she'd appreciate it.

"Are we going to get started or what?" A short stumpy middle aged man came in.

"You the manager?" I asked, taking another sip of my coffee.

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