Chapter Thirty One

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A yawn interrupted my sentence, the many eyes on me brought out an embarrassed blush. "Sorry guys, long day." I chuckled before continuing our work.

We'd been at it since 8am, the past month went by in a similar pace. Sadie and I both had our plates filled with work from the constant projects coming our way. The magazine we'd shut down due to their racism, had been calling non-stop. I still had them going to voicemail.

Quinn's schedule was lighter but she still left at 5am in the mornings, before I woke up. Then my nights went until midnight and by then, the girl would be asleep in my bed. Too tired to wait up after toiling in the hot sun. Word got around about her talents and even clients out of town were making arrangements for her to landscape for them.

It made me proud but I missed her. We lived together and still hardly saw each other. But I'd promised her an early leave today so we'd have a date night. After our first one, there wasn't much time to have the second and I had made up my mind to ask her to be my girlfriend. I didn't want the uncertainty of what we were to linger any longer.

I want her to be mine.

A little after six I left for home, just having finished my last set of editing for the day. I sent Quinn a message that I'd be there soon, all while racking my brain for the easiest romantic dinner I could whip up for us.

By the time I got home, my body shifted and begged for sleep. I pushed it aside and unlocked the front door, only to have it shut in my face.

"What the-"

"You can't come in yet!"

I frowned and twisted the door knob. "Quinn, I'm tireddd. Open uppp." I whined, throwing my head back.

"Close your eyes!" She yelled through the door.


"Just do it, please." Her voice came through but with a softer tone which made me comply.

I shut my eyes and called out to let her know. The sound of the door clicking open came, then Quinn's slightly rough hand took one of mine. We didn't move but I could feel the warmth of her body as she stood near. Her free hand landed gently on my jaw, the pad of her thumb stroking my bottom lip.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

I heard a small sigh leave her mouth, then in a soft voice came, "I'm trying to remember how long it's been since I last saw my favourite colour."

It took me a minute, but then I recalled her saying the colour of my eyes were her favourite. "Let me open them." I matched her tone.

A small kiss was pressed firmly on my mouth but before I could reciprocate, she moved back. "Not yet. Keep 'em closed."


Quinn led me inside, my eyes shut as she did. The familiarity told me we were walking down the small hallway that leads to the open planned living room and kitchen. Then we stopped and Quinn released my hand and I heard her take a few steps away from me.

"Can you see?" Quinn asked, voice further away.

"Nope." I really couldn't and it felt weird being in the dark.

"You sure you're not peeping?" She asked suspiciously, movements being heard.

I chuckled a little as I nodded my head. "I'm sure."

"What am I doing then?" She asked just as I heard what sounded like jumps.

"Uh, I don't know. Jumping?" I grumbled, tired and impatient. Not a fan of surprises.

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