Chapter Thirty Two

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Quinn didn't stay in her frozen state for long. She gawked for a few more seconds then blinked, her fog cleared and she carefully placed me on my back. Her mouth attacked my neck first, lips brushing against my skin, little soft kisses were placed before she started with deeper kisses. My body became hyper aware of her hands creeping up on my sides, stopping right below the curve of my bare breasts.


"You can touch me wherever you want." I breathed out.

Quinn slightly moved back to see my face and asked in a whisper, "Wherever I want?"

"Wherever you want." I confirmed and pulled her down by her neck.

This kiss felt different. Raw with need and want. Quinn, even with her inexperienced self, easily took control of the kiss. Her hands cupped my breasts and kneaded softly. I moaned into her mouth, gaining a small grunt from the girl above me. She detached our lips and moved down my neck, trailing wet kisses lazily down my chest and to the swell of my left breast.

She licked and tasted, avoiding my hardened bud. Putting my hand behind her head, I steered her where I wanted her mouth. My back arched up when I felt the wet mouth take me in. Every touch and lick were experimental, then gradually became more confident as my moans escaped me. She switched to my right breast but replaced her mouth with her hand on the abandoned one. Quinn went on to do the same thing, but added on a little biting.

"Fuck." I threw my head deeper into the pillow, legs wrapping around her to pull her closer.

Through her sweats, I felt the obviously hard bulge. My hips instinctively bucked up, eliciting an arousing moan from my girlfriend. My core met her member as I repeated the act and she caught on, assisting in grinding her hips into me slowly but with force.

"You're so perfect, Ry." She lifted on her palms and took my mouth again, our hips keeping up with their work. "Can I see it all?" She spoke into my mouth and I nodded vigorously. "Say It." Her fingers slipped into the band of my shorts but didn't tug down just yet.

"Take them off." I lifted my hips.

Quinn sat on her knees and slowly pulled my shorts down, eyes widening as I came into view. I watched her reactions earnestly, loving the way her eyes devoured me. My panties were soaked and I knew she saw the mess she created by the blush on her cheeks.

She tossed the clothes aside, darken eyes flickering between my legs and my eyes. "Like I said, you're perfect." Her voice sounded low and husky.

Without me having to ask, she pulled her vest off and came over me again. My hands slipped into her sweats and boxers, grabbing her ass while our mouths and breasts were meshed together.

"Take these off too." I started pushing the nagging barriers down.

Quinn let me, helping me by kicking them off and latching on to my neck again. I could feel her dick rubbing against my upper thigh, hard with wetness seeping through. As she made her way down my stomach, I stopped her.

"What? Are we stopping?" She asked a little breathless and yet still so innocent.

"No." Was all I said and pushed her back with a hand on her chest. "I get to taste first."

"B-but..." her eyes dropped to my pussy, and a pout appeared.

I chuckled and made her lean her back to the couch. "You'll get your turn, baby. Just let me have my way first."

"O-okay." She swallowed and cast her gaze up and down my nakedness.

I nudged her legs apart and sat on my knees between them. Leaning forward, I looked into her eyes and grabbed the stiff rod. Slow strokes, from the base to her tip, thumb toying with her slit and feeling the precum. Quinn's hips bucked upwards into my hand, her own hands gripping the sheets by her sides.

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