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The smell of coffee forced my eyes opened. Turning to my left, I realised I was in bed alone. Sitting up, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and shoved my yellow and black blanket off. Before my feet touched the ground, my beautiful girl came in, back pushing the door open as she balanced a tray filled with food.

A smile automatically formed seeing the way she concentrated on not dropping it, eyes squinted as if mentally ordering everything to stay put. Quinn hadn't looked at me as she put the tray on the nightstand.

A gasp left her when she saw me up and staring at her. "You scared me. Good morning."

"Good morning, baby." I murmured, welcoming the lingering kiss near my mouth, eyes fluttering close at the feeling of her warm lips.

"Happy anniversary." My beauty spoke with a huge dimpled smile.

I bit my lip, trying and failing to suppress my giddy laughter. "Happy anniversary."

The two years spent with this human were two of the very best in my life. Whenever I think it can't get any better, Quinn does something like taking cooking lessons from Kaiden just so I didn't have to do it alone. More often than not, I'd come home to dinner already on the table and my girlfriend waiting for me.

Of course there were fights, some small and some big. But they never last because one of us always cracked. I couldn't stay mad at her when she was in the wrong and Quinn usually pouted until I apologized when I was guilty.

Quinn put the tray between us and watched in rapt attention as I took a bite of chocolate chip pancake. Each time she made me something, she acted like the first time, always wanting to know my opinion.

"So?" She inquired, leaning in closer.

"It's good." I answered after swallowing.

She frowned and leaned back. "Just good? I decorated it and even put a smiley face on there."

I laughed and grabbed both her cheeks. "It's amazing. You're amazing. And every day I fall more inlove with you." I kissed her nose.

"Just start with that next time, geez." She complained and crawled in beside me. "Come here, boy." She called and Peanut came running in, situating himself near the bed.

We ate everything with me feeding her. Soon we were getting dressed to go house hunting, the apartment felt small now. With one bedroom and my home studio, Quinn kept going on about wanting more space. She had become quite known for her talent and was doing extremely well for herself. Miss Nina's flower shop was turned into her business, though they still sold flowers. Now owner of Quinn's Landscape Designs, I couldn't be more proud of my girl.

The last few weeks consisted of us looking at available houses and Quinn complaining that she didn't like them. Even today she fussed that the two we saw weren't up to her standards while in reality, nothing was wrong with them. They were in our budget, enough room and in a good neighbourhood.

"We need more room." She held my hand as we walked out to her truck.

I sighed and got in as she held my door open for me. "Three bedrooms isn't enough?" I asked and watched her shake her head, making her way to the driver's side.

"The masters, one spare and one for your studio, not enough room for anything else."

"We're lucky it's even in our budget, sweetheart. We can't afford anything bigger." I gently reminded.

My stubborn girl only shook her head as she continued to the cafe. I let it go, knowing if I pressed further it'll start a fight and that wasn't something I was willing to do today of all days.

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