Chapter Forty Two

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My back pressed against my truck as I held Ry's waist. Her hands gripped my forearms while she leaned up to meet my lips. We'd been making out for a while now, her attempt at calming me.

Her soft lips left mine to kiss along my jaw. "Head still hurts?"

I sighed, feeling her breath tickling my skin. "No." I pulled her flush against me and buried my face in her hair. I begged her to leave it down for me. "What's that scent? It smells nice, you smell nice."

"Hmm, I don't know." She hummed and continued to pepper my jaw with small kisses.

Gently gripping her chin, I guided her lips back to mine. I let my tongue sneak in to meet hers, sliding my hands down to cup her butt though her green sundress. Ry broke my little bubble when she moved away.

"I want more." I murmured I pulled her back, holding her waist so she couldn't break away.

"As much," kiss. "As I," kiss. "Would love," kiss. "More." She smiled up at me. "We should go."

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. "Okay."

I could feel her eyes on me but I turned my head up to the sky instead, the light making me squint. Her eyes were too pretty and it wasn't fair that they made me want to spill all my secrets. Soft hands cupped my cheeks and brought my head down, so like the mature adult I was, I shut my eyes.

Ry chuckled and pecked my lips. "Cute. But seriously, look at me." I shook my head no. "Quinbee."

"What?" I muttered, taking a quick peek at her then turning away.

"What's wrong? You're not ready to go?"

I shrugged one of my shoulders, "Lily's coming?"

"Yeah, Ava's her sister too and you guys don't have to talk until you're both ready."

"Sweet." I mumbled, making the mistake of looking into my favorite colour. "What if we don't find her? What if she doesn't want to know us? Oh fudge cake, what if she like, lost her memories or something?" My eyes widened in panic. See what I meant by spilling?

"I doubt she lost her memories, baby." Ry asked as her fingers found the hair on my nape. "She'll want to know both of you."

"How do you know that?"

She hesitated. "If she's anything like my girl, then I just know."

I scrunched my nose at her. "Ava wasn't like me. She was always more sure of herself while I kinda stayed on the sidelines. But she did beat up kids who tried to pick on me." I grinned as a memory surfaced. "This one time, a girl pushed me off of the swings and Ava punched her in the face."

My gaze steadied as I watched Ry's eyes light up just before a smile graced her face. "And you doubt if she'll want to see you again?"

I wanted to say a lot of time had passed, that so many things had changed in these eleven years but I swallowed the words. Maybe it was time I stopped living with so much doubt and allowed my angel's surety to engulf me.


I shut Ry's door after she got out just as Mrs Matthews, Lily and.....that's her mom now. Ry's aunt Bri greeted us with a warm smile while Lily just stared at me with her hands stuck in her pockets. A little smile tugged at my lips when I noticed the way she dressed. Similar to me. I guess she grew up to be a tomboy too.

"We ready?" Mrs Matthews asked, mostly eyeing Lily and I.

My eyes stayed locked on my little sister, flashes of that night deciding to torment me right then. Lily's younger face, scared and begging me to not leave her. I felt my body tremble as I sunk deeper into my thoughts. Then like they never existed to begin with, they faded as a warmth filled my hand. I snapped my eyes down to the girl before me with worried eyes.

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