Chapter Thirty Eight

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We laid on our sides staring at each other.

Quinn had just told me about her past. I cried. She cried. She showed me the burns under her feet I never noticed before, relaying each detail of her past. And now we were both lying and just enjoying each other's presence. Looking into those eyes I've come to love, I struggled to grasp how this girl remained so...pure. Most people would've dealt with their pain differently, lash out in some way or the other. Quinn stayed Quinn. Goofy, quiet, playful, a baby's version of angry, she stayed true to herself.

I stared unapologetically at those compelling eyes, my ambers moving between her green and blue, enjoying the gold flecks that danced around in there. My gaze slowly flitted across her other perfectly sculptured features, hand coming to touch as I did. My fingers traced the edges of her jawline, down to her chin then the flesh of her neck.

"You're so beautiful."

I was rewarded with the smile that deepened her dimples and favored the left of her mouth. "You keep saying that."

"I keep meaning it." I inched closer and kissed her smiling lips.

Somehow one innocent kiss turned into a full blown make out. Teeth clashing and tongue exploring, Quinn pushed me on my back. Amongst the not so chaste kisses and touches, my clothing was peeled off of my body until there was no more. Unlike our first time together, there was no hesitation as she stripped me then herself. Coaxing me to lay in my stomach, Quinn peppered me with butterfly kisses starting from my neck and slowly descending down my spine.

A needy moan left my lips as her kisses started to grow hungrier, surely leaving my back with her marks. My hands gripped the sheets when that mouth of hers met my ass cheeks, not shying away from exploring those with the same ferocity. Her mouth and tongue continued down my thighs, calves to my ankles, then she retraced them back up.

When her equally naked body pressed along the length of mine, Quinn gently cupped my chin and turned my head for a searing kiss. Her thick length rubbed against my ass before she slipped it between my cheeks. Her strokes were gentle as we kept kissing, pulling my bottom lip between her teeth.

"Turn over." She lifted for me to do so.

An eager mouth met my neck eliciting a barely repressed moan, back arching into her as she lazily but fervently worshipped my body. Each of her touches were slow, harsh and deliberate. Quinn sucked on both breasts, teasing and biting the hardened bud. She moved lower to my stomach, making sure to leave no spot on my body untouched and begging for more. More of her. I writhed under her, body screaming for a release though I enjoyed the pleasant torture.

"Quinn," I was on the verge of tears, my girlfriend laying between my legs with teeth biting my inner thigh. "Please,"

"What? Please what?" She didn't stop her exploring.

"I can't take it..." a frustrated tear fell and rolled down my cheek.

Quinn's face came up, a worried look etched across her features before they relaxed. Soft lips brushed away that lone tear then she settled in her previous spot, parting my legs and spreading them wide to see. I heard a low guttural moan just before a tongue licked up my slit.

Almost crying out with how much relief I felt, my eyes shut and rolled to the back of my head. "Ohh, fuck."

Quinn lapped and sucked, letting out low moans to show how much she enjoyed herself. I started to buck my hips up only for her to hold them down, her strong arms forbidding me from going anywhere.

"Fuck, baby right there."

My hand flew to her hair, pushing her into me as she latched onto my clit, flicking the bud and putting pressure. The second her tongue entered me I let out a near scream, my walls hugging the flesh.

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