Chapter Twenty One

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The truck had already been unpacked and we were about to set the tents up. Tyler and Piper had gotten their own, thankfully, and Kaiden was getting ours out.

"Hey, guys? I made a boo boo." My brother let out a nervous laugh. We all looked at him, waiting for him to say something. "I brought the wrong ones."

"What do you mean you brought the wrong ones?" Sadie marched over to him.

I shook my head and looked around. I always loved the outdoors and nature. The smell, the freedom, hearing the wildlife as long as there weren't any bears. This was a usual thing with us. Going camping once every few months and just letting go of the stress of work and whatever else came with life.

I sighed when I saw Quinn still struggling with taking off her markings. The girl seemed pissed about something and refused my help earlier on. Instead, she let her stubbornness take over and since her face had more than ours it took her awhile.

"Kaiden, which head do you use when you think?" I could hear those two arguing near the truck.

"Give it to me." I grabbed the wipe and started to rub the marker off.

"I said I had it." Quinn huffed.

"You know," I started, carefully wiping her brows. "You're the most stubborn person I know."

"You're stubborn." She shot at me, looking down at her hands.

I smiled moving to get her upper lip. "You made this worse."

Quinn slapped my hands away and tried to grab the wipe, to which I easily avoided.

"Give it." She gritted, one hand grabbing my hip and the other reaching for the wipe I held behind me.

"You can't seriously be mad at me." I laughed. "You're not even trying to get it back"

"Stop being a butt and give it to me." She stood from the can she sat on.

"Stop being so damn stubborn and let me help you." I shoved her back down by her shoulders. "Geez."

The girl folded her arms but listened. Cleaning off the remains of my handiwork, I patted her cheek and earned a scowl in return. To which I replied by bending down and kissing her forehead, the blush that gained was worth it.

"Your brother brought the wrong tents. Instead of the single ones he brought two two-person tents. I swear you got all the brains, Riles." Sadie informed us, her brows furrowed as she stood next to us.

"You sure about that?" Quinn giggled and I glared hard at her. "Heh, sorry."

Ignoring her and turning to Sadie, I spoke. "Okay, we'll just share."

"If you and I share then Quinn will have to share with Kaiden and I don't think she'd be comfortable with that. So I'll share with Kaiden and you share with Quinn. Okay? Okay, great." She walked off with that.

I raised a brow, knowing something was off about this but refraining from questioning it.

"She's right by the way. I wouldn't have been comfortable." Quinn whispered loudly in my ear.

I shivered at the feeling that elicited and turned to her. "Oh, so you're talking to me now?"

"When was I not talking to you? Your boyfriend is staring at you." Quinn rolled her eyes and walked away.

I didn't bother turning around and went after her. She headed through one of the clearings with no idea where she was going.

"Quinn, it's getting dark. Where are you going?"

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