Chapter Twelve

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My phone sat next to me, a familiar number across the screen taunting me. She was calling for the third time and it took everything in me to not answer. The tears wouldn't stop and I was so close to tossing the nagging device against the wall.

Taking a pillow, I held it over my face and screamed into it. Memories of our time together surfacing and heckling my mind. The ghost of her touch lingering on my body much like phantom pains, very real to me. The vibrating of my phone finally stopped but I didn't feel relieved because she called again. I picked it up, hung up and blocked the number.

"Go fucking call Kelsey." I muttered and wiped the tears that she didn't deserve away.

I should be over her. I should be moving on and enjoying my life. I shouldn't be laying in bed at midnight crying over her. Yet red hair and blue eyes kept invading my dreams, only now a brown eyed brunette accompanied her. Now the dreams become nightmares because the girl I'd been inlove with betrayed me.

I swung my legs off the bed and to the floor. I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as possible, mindful of my sleeping roommate. I drank a glass of water and was about to go back to bed when soft whimpers met me. I stopped in the middle of the living room, only now noticing the sleeping lump laying there.

Quinn only wore a white vest and boxer shorts, no covers or pillow to make herself comfortable or warm. The sleeping girl squirmed as more whimpers escaped her, words I couldn't comprehend were heard.

"No...don't...leave them." She mumbled as her breathing became shallow gasps.

All my own hurt vanished at the look of misery and pain, so much pain showed on her sweet face.

"Quinn, sweetheart, wake up." I knelt down and moved her hair away from her sweat soaked face. "Quinn?"

I shook her but she only squirmed more. I took hold of her jerking hands to keep her still, her pants becoming cries.

"Ava," she murmured between her cries.

Not knowing what else to do, I got in beside her. Using all my strength, I encased the girl in my arms and shushed her softly despite knowing she wouldn't hear me.

To my utter surprise and relief, she finally calmed down. Her hands came around my torso and gripped me firmly while her face dipped into my neck. I waited until her crying stopped and breathing slowed down then attempted to get up. Each time I moved, Quinn whined quietly and held on tighter.

I was stuck, the girl even stronger than I thought. Moving to be more comfortable, I adjusted my body so I wouldn't fall off, not that I could with Quinn's grip on me. My eyes shut and my body relaxed.

The next morning the light coming in from the window woke me up. I was on the couch, back pressed against something warm. I felt a strong arm draped over me, a breath on my neck and.....something poking my ass?

It took me a few seconds to remember the events of last night and my heart calmed down, realising it was only Quinn behind me. I took her hand and lifted the heavy limp before crawling out of her grasp. Standing on my feet, I gazed down at the sleeping form.

My lips tugged upwards at how innocent she looked, even more so than usual. Lips slightly parted and long hair laid out so flawlessly around her. Then my eyes scanned her body, it was the first time I've actually seen her so bare. Muscles outlined her upper arms, even relaxed her biceps bulged just a bit. Her left hand moved to rest over her head and the small gesture showed her triceps flexing. Veins could be seen coming down her forearms but they weren't unattractive, quite the opposite. Quinn's breasts weren't small but not big either, perfect hand size. Her vest had ridden up her stomach to reveal a nice set of abs and a defined 'v' traveling into her boxer shorts. I looked lower and...sure enough the thing that poked my ass was just...standing there proudly.

"Damn, Quinn." I muttered to myself.

I guess she would tell me about that when she was ready to.

I continued my gawking and took in the long toned legs. This girl's been holding out. I chuckled to myself and headed back to my room.

Then I felt like a creep for checking her out while she slept.


"I think my mom's seeing someone." Sadie said as we sat in the studio.

The day went by slowly and without much work. Sadie spent her time making arrangements for our next project while I did some editing for the one that we'd just wrapped up.

"Did she say something?"

The dark skin girl shook her head. "No, but I can tell."

I bit my lip seeing the sad eyes and frown on her face. "It's hard but it has been four years since your dad passed away."

"I just don't want her to forget him or just...I don't know. Fall inlove with someone else. And I know that sounds selfish because she has every right to happiness. For the past four years I've seen her heartbroken and quite frankly a mess but..." Sadie wiped away her tears and exhaled.

"She won't. No matter how many years goes by or who she meets, your mom will never forget your dad."

She nodded before a laugh slipped out. "I hate being a sensitive bitch."

"Mhm, who would've thought Sadie Brown could actually have feelings." I gasped in mock shock.

A pencil flew my way and I barely dodged it. "Asshole."

"You love me." I smirked.

"Sometimes I wonder why." Hazel eyes rolled.

The silence that greeted us gave me the opportunity to ponder on what happened last night and this morning. Quinn received no indication that I now knew she was intersex. It didn't matter to me but I gathered it did to her. My curiosity on the girl only grew.

Now more than ever, I wanted to know. I needed to know what kept her up at night, what tormented that mind of hers and what demons she had buried. It wasn't out of nosiness. No, if anything I wanted to take the pain away.

"What has you thinking so hard over there?" Sadie's voice broke my thoughts.

I took a hair tie and put my hair up in a messy bun and leaned back. "I think...I think Quinn has a bad past. Like really bad."

"And you want to help."

My elbow rested on the arm of my chair and I placed my chin in my palm. "I...sometimes she's just sitting there with a smile and other times that smile is replaced with this look. Sadie, it's heartbreaking to even look at, so imagine how she must feel." I remembered the sound of her cries from last night, and the nights I found her awake but not entirely present.

"I don't really know what to say to that." Sadie mumbled quietly. "Just be there, I guess."

A text came in and I picked my phone up to see the name 'Quinbee'. Quinn didn't think it was funny that I made fun of her fear of bees but the smile she hid told me she didn't really mind.

Quinbee: can you make spaghetti and meatballs tonight?

I laughed at the request that's become a usual every Friday now.

- Hmm, I'll think about it.

She was getting it even if she forgot to ask.

Quinbee: please, Ry.


Just be there. I reminded myself.


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