Chapter Fifty Three

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"Dude, why are you screaming?" Kaiden asked, poking his head into the bathroom.

"Look! Look at it!" I shoved the pee stick at him.

He moved his head away from the thing. "What is it?"

Before I could answer, my girlfriend and his girlfriend appeared with worried expressions. Ry opened her mouth to speak but I grabbed her hand and walked towards her bedroom with the other two following.

"I heard screaming, what's wrong?" She asked as we all stood in her bedroom.

I let my gaze fall on her flat stomach. Ry wasn't the skinniest girl out there, she had a curvy body and with her daily runs, kept in shape. I tried recalling any tells of a possible baby, her eating habits, any added weight or changes. My eyes widened when I remembered I came in her.

"Are you pregnant? Why didn't you tell me? Did you just find out? How far along are you?" I hurried out in one breath.

"Okay, slow down. Say that again." Ry came closer.

I showed her the pee stick that I held with the toilet paper. "It's yours. A baby. We're having a baby?"

Ry eyed the thing with a frown, diverting her gaze from me to the thing in my hand. "Sweetheart, that's not mine."

"Yes it is. You said you were going to use the bathroom. It's yours, take it."

"Are you pregnant?" Kaiden suddenly asked a bit loudly.

We both turned to see him staring at Sadie's stomach.


Frowning and very confused, I stared at Kaiden and Sadie. Is she pregnant? I know it's not fucking me.

"Fuck off, I rebuke that. I'm not pregnant." My best friend shot at her boyfriend.

"Ry," Quinn drew my attention back to her.

She looked somewhere between nervous and shocked but there was no fear. Her brows knitted as she stared at my very flat stomach that held no baby whatever so ever. Maybe a food baby but that's it.

"Oh, thank goodness. Rilee's the pregnant one." My idiot brother exhaled dramatically.

"The fuck does that mean? What if I was, in fact, pregnant?" Sadie glared up at him and I watched amused as he cowered.

"N-nothing. I'd be the happiest man alive. We'd throw a fucking party. I'm ecstatic."

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

I sighed and took Quinn's hand after putting the pregnancy test down, guided her to my bed and sat beside her. "Hey," I brought her face to me. "I'm not pregnant, Quinn."

"But I came in you that time." She whispered in her version of it with big eyes.

I smiled at her endearingly. "I know we've never had the conversation about protection and the repercussions but I am on the pill. I know it's not one hundred percent reliable but we also use condoms. The times we don't, you pull out and that one time you came in me, I wasn't ovulating. My period has always been on time and I keep track of it."

"So, no baby?" She asked, eyes downcasting to my belly.

"The only baby I currently have in my life is you, sweetheart."

She slowly nodded her head, scratching her neck nervously."It's not that I wouldn't be here or anything. It's reflex for me to get scared before calming down, you know I scream for everything."

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