Chapter Twenty Two

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After our kiss, Quinn retreated back to her quiet and withdrawn self. The walk back to camp was silent and I could tell she felt uncomfortable. The kiss lasted five seconds tops, slow, hesitant even before she pulled away with wide scared eyes. When we reached our destination, the tents were up, lights set, shower tent a decent distance away and a fire was on the way.

We had dinner and although Quinn stuck by my side all through the night, she refused to look at me or hold a conversation. Kaiden and her made one too many Smores and acted like goofs. I was at least happy they got along that well. While Quinn happily interacted with Sadie and Kaiden, she avoided Piper and Tyler like the plague.

The latter two sucked faces all the time before calling it a night. Their tent was furthest away from us, something we all agreed was for the best.

At midnight Kaiden went to bed, Sadie followed twenty minutes later. Quinn sat on a log with me next to her, eyes trained on the fire. The stick she had in her hands repeatedly poked the fire, tongue slightly sticking out of her mouth.

Leaning to my right, I gently nudged her shoulder. "You alright there?"

The girl nodded but didn't dare look at me and continued on with her task.

"Was that your first kiss?" I asked carefully.

"I didn't mean to do it. I mean, I did but I didn't. I-I...I don't know." She blurted out and sighed, tossing the stick away.

"Hey, Quinbee, you're forgetting something." I poked her cheek right where her dimples laid.

Quinn's nose scrunched again, but stayed watching the flames. "What's that?"

Leaning to her ear, I whispered. "I not only let you kiss me, but I kissed you back."

I grinned when she shivered and even in the dim lightening I could see the goosebumps appearing on her neck. She huffed, still avoiding my eyes. Taking a chance of being rejected, I placed a small kiss right below her ear. Quinn let out a quiet whimper, body unmoving and breathing shallow.

"I'm going to bed." She suddenly stood up and crawled into our tent.

I breathed in and out, deciding to give her some time to get ready for bed. The stick in my hands drew random patterns on the dirt as I let my thoughts run free.

Quinn's sudden burst of confidence, her pulling me and backing me into that tree. The gesture was done with a certain amount of roughness yet tenderness. Like she wanted what she wanted and wasn't going to stop until she got it. Then it all went away, and the soft, quiet and mysterious girl came back.

I liked both sides of her. Though this side had been recently discovered, it was welcomed.

A good amount of time passed so I crawled into our tent. Quinn had slipped off her long sleeved t-shirt and sweats, now she laid in her black boxer shorts and grey vest. I took off my sweatshirt and jeans, not minding that she could see me in my underwear. Slipping on a shirt, I unhooked my bra and tugged it out through the sleeve then pulled on a pair of shorts.

I got into my sleeping bag and laid on my side facing the raven haired girl. "You're not getting in?" I asked when she laid on top of her sleeping bag, staring up.


"Good night." I sighed quietly.

"Night night." She replied.

Again, I woke up to Quinn's arms around me, neck buried in my hair and her member poking my ass. I laid still contemplating on what to do, since her hold on me prohibited me from moving. A few minutes after I became alert, blinking the remaining sleep away, I attempted to wake her.

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