Happy? Pt.2

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I watched on as Raina crawled around her playpen, her non stop babbling making me smile.

I was preparing our breakfast while Quinn overslept after finishing her last job for her most recent client. She was more tired than usual so the rest was well deserved.

"Mama," Raina started then followed it with some incoherent words.

"Are you hungry, love?" I called out to her. A babbled response before she started to cry. "Wanna help Mama?"

I put the pancake batter down and went to get her. She used her tiny arms to pull herself up using the fence of the playpen. She hadn't made her first step yet, but she was getting there.

I scooped her up and lightly bounced my baby. "Oh, hungry it is." I chuckled when her hand snuck into my top.

Raina never waited when she wanted to be fed, she'd pull my top down and latch on. It didn't matter where or when, she didn't care. I cradled her in my arms as she nursed, a fist lifting up to my face. It landed on my mouth and I kissed my baby's soft palm.

"You have your daddy's appetite." I kissed her hand again and went back to the kitchen.

Holding her with one arm, I carefully plated our food, opting to leave the pancake for after she was done. I shared the eggs and bacon on two plates before pouring two glasses of orange juice. A fruit bowl was already made prior. It took me longer and I had to move extremely slow, lest I disturb the little girl.

"Morning." I heard my wife's raspy voice say.

I turned my head to see her rubbing her eyes as she yawned, boxer shorts and vest on. "Morning." I returned quietly.

"There's my baby." She cooed at Raina who forgot about her hunger and laughed.

I smiled at the beautiful sound, rolling my eyes as she left my breast bare without a second thought. Quinn laughed and bent to kiss our baby while I still held her.

"Can you take her? I want to finish the pancakes." I asked, looking up at her.

Her eyes flicked between Raina and I. "Yeah, unless you want me to make them?"

"It's fine." I passed our baby to her and fixed my top to cover myself.

Quinn hesitated, but pressed a chaste kiss to my lips before moving to the playpen with her. I sighed in frustration and finished up our breakfast.

With breakfast done, I sat with my small family and ate. Raina sat in my lap as she ate pieces of a strawberry, which was all we would get her to eat whenever I was around. It didn't take long until she was fussing and turning to be nursed again.

"You don't want to finish your strawberries?" I asked when she yanked down my top and found what she wanted. "I don't get it. She eats fine and drinks her bottle whenever I'm not here."

"She just wants her mama." Quinn gave me that smile that favors one side, dimples on display.

I gave a small one in return, but the ache didn't go away. I stabbed a piece of egg with my fork and chewed, my appetite not quite there. But with a nursing baby and a growing one in my stomach, I had to eat.

I groaned when it came to the pancakes, only having one hand to cut and eat.

"Here, let me." Quinn was by my side in a second and cutting the pancakes into pieces.

"Thanks." I mumbled and reached for the fork but she shook her head, opting to feed me herself.

It shouldn't have been something that made me cry, but I blamed it on hormones. I bent my head to look at Raina, whose eyes were closing, an effort to hide my teary eyes.

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