Chapter Forty Nine

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"What are you doing?" I asked my girlfriend who stood naked in the middle of my room, hips rotating as she looked down.

Quinn giggled and glanced up at me. "It's fun. You look beautiful, Ry."

I bit my lip, letting her delicious form soak in. That well sculpted body, every dip and crevice that outlined her muscles. Her nipple stood hard on her perky breasts, and my eyes trailed lower to...her stuff hanging between her thighs.

I reigned in my lust because we needed to leave soon. "Thank you and get dressed, they're waiting for us." I had already gotten dressed in a deep red crop top, tight fitted blue cuffed jeans and brown high heeled boots. My hair down my back just like she liked it with a touch of makeup on.

"Get me something to wear then." She started jumping in her place.

"At least put on some boxers." I mumbled, moving to my closet where she had most of her clothes now.

As I searched for something I realised that all of her clothes had managed to sneak in here, even my dresser housed both of our stuff. I looked over my shoulder to see her sitting on the bed, Batman boxers on, while she held my phone in her hands.

"No no no, he's not allowed in here." Quinn groaned from behind me and when I turned around, she was sitting higher on the bed as if scared to touch the ground.

Peanut barked at her, tail wagging and tongue sticking out. Since he's been here, Quinn avoided the puppy like a plague. I could tell Peanut liked her but my girl was too scared to even get near him. Peanut was a little destructive too, biting any and everything his way. We had to remove the things he could tear apart and despite her saying she didn't like him, Quinn made a small playpen for the pup.

"He's harmless." I got out her black zipper knee joggers and a grey Henley. "Put these on."

"Take him with you." She panicked when I reached the doorway.

Chuckling, I picked up the puppy and went to the living room. I set him down on the bed we got him and Peanut immediately started chewing on his toys. I sent a quick text to Sadie, letting her know we'd be there soon. While I waited, I noticed the games installed that hadn't been here before. Even though Quinn had her own phone she barely even used it, most of the time using mine.

"I'm ready." Said girl announced excitedly.

"Did you install more games?" I asked, eyes scanning her and seeing the bulge through her joggers.

"Yup." She grinned proudly, side stepping Peanut while glaring at him.

I snaked an arm around her neck, "Just know I'm trying really hard not to cancel and have my way with you instead." I whispered against her lips, one hand coming down to cup her cock.

"Ohhh, you're gonna wake it up." She mumbled, moving her hips back.

Although my girl shied away, I saw her eyes darken with lust. Her gaze slowly descended my body, pausing at my chest and exposed stomach. Quinn licked her lips before caging me against the wall as her mouth found mine. In no time we were kissing at a hungry pace, her hands grabbing my ass and bringing me to the hard length in her pants.

"We have to go." I panted, whimpering when she sucked on my neck.

"You started it."


Quinn groaned and threw her head back. "Fine. Let me get your jacket."

She ran off, coming back seconds later with my bomber jacket. She helped me into it but before we could leave, the girl froze and looked at me with wide eyes.

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