Chapter Eight

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Walking into our apartment I opened my mouth to shout for Quinn, but stopped when I saw her out on the balcony. Usually everyday I'd come home to find her out there or in her room. She'd take the little weeds out and then water them, all while she had this small reminiscent smile on her face. I always knew because her eyes clouded over, much like she wasn't in the present but lost somewhere in her past. Though I wanted to ask what she thought of, I didn't. Quinn was a private person, something I noticed in the short time I've known her. So if and when she decided to share more with me, she would.

I walked quietly through the opened door and sat on one of the chairs behind her. I always found it hard to disrupt her peace but at the same time, found some peace myself just watching. So content and happy she was, just taking care of some flowers.

She checked the time on her worn out watch. Another thing I found out, she didn't think much of phones. She had one but solely used it for making calls or receiving them.

When she turned and saw me, a cute crooked smile greeted me. "You're on time."

"I am." I chuckled.

It's kind of been a daily routine of ours. I'd come home and we'd both sit and talk. Quinn wasn't that inquisitive, but she did listen to whatever I said with only a decent amount of questions.

"How was your day?" She asked, focusing on her task again.

"Not too bad. No models throwing diva fits today. Two more shoots and then in a few weeks I have another booking." I sighed. "What about you?"

That one shoulder lazily came up, her eyes still trained on her work in front of her. "It was fine. Your mom came in for flowers for your other mom. She kept going on about why fake flowers were better. She always does."

A laugh left my throat and I shook my head. "You'll get used to that."

When Quinn finished taking the weeds out of all the plants, she started watering them. I had this question burning in the back of my mind but I didn't want to overstep.

"Quinn, can I ask you something?"


"Did you finish high school?" I asked slowly.

If she came here underage, there was the chance that she never got through high school. And if so, I'd at least want her too. Though that wasn't my decision to make.

Quinn's eyes squinted at me as her body fully turned in my direction. "Do you think I'm stupid or something? Just because I work in a flower shop? Just because I don't have some big paying job doesn't mean I'm incapable. Not everyone needs to go to some fancy college. So what if I didn't finish?" Her face held a stoic expression but even as her voice sounded sharp, it kept its soft volume.

My eyes widened in panic. "N-no, of course not. I-I," I shut my mouth trying to find my words. I didn't mean to offend her. "I just-"

I saw a mischievous smile form on her soft lips. "Wow, that was easy." The girl seemed proud.

"" I groaned. "You know what? Bye." I stomped inside.

I heard her melodious laughter as she came behind me. "I'm sorry, Ry."

I smiled at both the nickname and her laughter but kept walking.

She didn't sound sorry if her laughing said anything. I walked into my room, ignoring her footsteps following me. I shut the door behind me and started to change into something more comfortable.

"Are you mad?" Her soft voice came from the other side of the door. "If it makes you feel any better, I did finish. Miss Nina made me go to night school."

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