Chapter Twenty Six

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To say I was bursting with excitement would be an understatement but with that excitement, came the nerves and doubt. I'd visited Ry with the full intention of asking her out, but my lack of experience deterred that plan. Luckily for me she had more confidence than I did and asked me instead.

Now all I had to do was plan the date. Something nice. What did girls like? I had no clue. Growing up, my greatest worry was whether I'd eat or have somewhere to sleep. I worried about forgetting my earlier memories, about where my next 'home' would be. I didn't have time to think about girls or had the pleasure of a decent childhood.

I've never even touched myself.

But if I knew it felt that good, I would've tried it before. Or maybe it was Ry who made it that unforgettable. Either way, I had a date to plan and I had no clue what to do.

Then as I sat on my bed, ideas flowing through my mind and being tossed out, I wondered if this was a good idea. Ry told me she liked me too but I couldn't help but think she didn't mean it. That voice in my head kept nagging at me, a voice I pushed aside for years. A voice that told me to look down because no one cared to see or hear. A voice that said to cover up my body, long sleeves and baggy jeans, that's what I should wear.

I blinked and my eyes fell on the skinny jeans I wore earlier on. I shouldn't have. I should stick to what I'm used to.

Ry. I had a date with her.

Ry. She said she liked me.

Ry. She made me feel things.

Bringing my legs up to my chest, I wrapped my arms around them and placed my cheek on my knees. Shutting my eyes, I counted to ten in hopes of easing the nerves. I refused to go down the depressing road again. The road where I shut everything out, the road where I'm alone. I didn't want to be alone anymore but I also refused to become too dependent on anyone. That never turned out good for me.

"Quinn! Come on!" Kaiden called.

Right, Sadie and Kaiden were here and we're going to have a movie night. Slowly getting up, I pulled on my sweats over my boxers and a sweatshirt over my sports bra. I begrudgingly walked out, not up for socializing at the moment. Since they came into my life I barely spent any time by myself. Ry was always around and with her came those two. I loved having them around and I loved how quickly they welcomed me into their little group. A foreign and overwhelming feeling this was, to be accepted without question.

I looked up when I reached the living room to see three happy faces. Kaiden and Sadie fought over what movie to watch while Ry sat on the loveseat rolling her eyes. Her gaze turned to me and just like that, the small voice of fear and doubt vanished. She smiled and I smiled back as she motioned for me to join her.

Who am I to refuse such a beauty?

I wondered if Ry knew how immaculate her beauty was. How golden her hair looked or how blinding her smile shone, but her eyes smiled brighter. The grace and class in which she carried herself. A confident woman who deserved as much as she offered. No, she deserved way more than that. I knew it, but I didn't know if she did.

"What?" She asked, chuckling nervously when she noticed my stare.

"Do you know?" I blurted out quietly.

Her lips pouted in question. I wanted another kiss. "Know what?"

"How perfect you are." I breathed out and took the kiss I wanted.

I sighed into the kiss, cupping her neck and pulling her closer. Ry's hands clutched the ends of my sweatshirt and tugged. The kiss wasn't lustfull but soft and maybe even a little innocent. Tongues weren't needed for the beating of my heart to increase or the fluttering in my stomach to make itself known. That was an uncomfortable feeling really, but I didn't mind because the tempting mouth against mine was worth it.

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