Chapter Nineteen

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"You idiot! This is all your fault." I whacked Sadie with the pillow for the nth time. "You just had to call me out on it, didn't you?!"

"This is abuse! People should not be allowed to hit someone smaller than they are!" Sadie shouted, wiggling and trying to free herself from under me. "Help!"

"Ughhh." I whacked her one last time and rolled off of my best friend.

We both laid on my bed panting and staring at the ceiling.

"What exactly is my fault?" The shorter girl asked from beside me.

"I'd also like to know." Came my brother's voice from the doorway.

I groaned, sitting up to lean against the wall. "Quinn." I hissed. "You-you just had to point it out. Bring to my attention that I was, in fact, crushing on her and now it's all I can think about. Her. Everyday, all day. I can't get her out of my mind and it's driving me insane because we live together. And she's always smiling and being so fucking cute and laughing and making stupid jokes, well they aren't stupid, it's endearing really..." I trailed off. "But that's not the point. She's just living and breathing and thinking blind people are checking her out but it's still so fucking innocent that I just wanna hold her and you know what? Fuck you, Sadie." I rambled out.

My brother and best friend who was now sitting on either side of me, stared at me with their jaw dropped.

"Gimme a second to process." Kaiden mumbled on my left.

Sadie scoffed. "You should be thanking me, you useless lesbian. Why's this a bad thing? You're amazing, Quinn's great so just be amazingly great together." She clapped her hands like she solved the problem.

"Fuck you." I grumbled and leaned back.

"I would but I like sausage." She mindlessly shrugged and inspected her nails.

"Yeah, you do." Kaiden blurted out.

I cringed and rolled my eyes. "She's bi, Kaiden. Sadie you're bi." I reminded my peculiar best friend.

"Right, I am. It's been a while since I've been to Virginia." She spoke with a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Damn, now I miss pussy."

"Me too." My brother sighed next to me.

I looked to my left then my right, seeing they both had this dreamy look in their eyes. "What the fuck is wrong with the both of you? Kaiden, please stop talking and Sadie, just ughhh." I groaned. "I thought you fucktards liked each other? Stop being weird." I got up leaving them both there, hearing their laughter behind me.

I angrily stomped to the kitchen, poured some coffee and leaned against the counter.

My thoughts drifted to my roommate, not for the first time today. In fact, I've barely stopped. Everytime we shared a meal or did anything together, I'd zone out hearing her talk and recount her day for me. I obviously listened to what she spoke about but, my thoughts ran wild at the same time.

Visions of her naked body is what got to me the most. That day I walked in on her in the bathroom, I never thought twice about it. Sure, I took in her body, marveling over the delicious muscles and toned flesh. But that was it because it would be rude not to appreciate such fine art. Now I envisioned that body against mine, those green and blue eyes staring into my amber ones, lips a breath away. Now, I wondered what those lips tasted like or how her rough hands would feel holding me or how big her, in Quinn's words, stuff is. It looked decent size but she wasn't hard that day, I can only imagine...

"Hi, Ry." The angel herself broke me out of my thoughts.

I jumped, literally and mentally, out of my thoughts. I'm pretty sure my face was red as a tomato right now. "H-hi." I gulped harshly and cleared my throat.

Quinn made her way over to me. "You okay? You're really red." Her hand reached out to touch my forehead.

"Y-yeah," I stepped back slightly, taking a sip of my coffee to gather myself. "All good with Miss Nina?"

She nodded, running a hand through short hair. She did that often now and it made me smile each time. It was like a more confident Quinn who didn't always look at her feet when she walked now. Although there were times she did it and she still avoided people's eyes, but at least she grew out of it with us.

"Yeah and I told her about the camping trip this weekend." She smiled, and I smiled too watching as it favoured the left side.

"Good, it's gonna be fun." I told her, excited that she could come with us.

This weekend the four of us, along with another old friend from high school and his girlfriend would be going on a camping trip. The spot was magnificent, near a waterfall in a nearby town with an indescribable view within hiking distance. Quinn spoke to Mrs Silverman and the woman informed her she'd be out of town anyway, so no worries there. Sadie and I had our new project this week coming and well Kaiden could do whatever he wanted.

"I've never been camping before." Quinn whispered shyly.

I opened my mouth to answer but Kaiden beat me to it, butting into our conversation when he and Sadie joined us. "Which is why we're gonna have the best time ever." He slung a hand over her shoulder like they were old pals. "We leave at 1, and it's a two hour drive so hope your bags are packed." The taller boy nudged Quinn's side, causing her to groan and chuckle quietly.

"Well, look at you two being all buddy buddy. I think you've been replaced Riles." Sadie joked.

"Hmm, looks like it." I winked at the blushing girl who still stood with my brother's arm around her.


"Ry?" Quinn whispered close to my ear, goosebumps raising on my body.

She always whispered and I never got goosebumps. Not before freaking Sadie opened her mouth.

"What's up Quinn?" I turned to the girl next to me in the backseat.

"I think...I think I forgot to pack boxers." She shyly admitted with wide eyes. "You know, because I have...uh you know." She kept looking up and down from her crotch to my eyes.

I suppressed the laughter I almost let out and nodded. "We can make a stop."

"Sweet." She finally stopped looking at me and leaned back.

I let out a breath, eyeing her side profile. Why did she have to be so...painstakingly beautiful? And she truly was.

"Ry?" Those eyes gazed at me again. I hummed in response. "You're staring at me." She scrunched her nose up and gave a goofy grin.

"Sorry." I felt my face flush and turned to the window, hearing a small laugh from my companion.

Sadie sat upfront while Kaiden drove. I was glad they weren't acting awkward around each other. As far as I knew, Sadie was seeing some guy named Marco. Though my brother still blatantly stared at my best friend when she wasn't looking and she did the same when he wasn't. They were weird.

"Can we make Smores?" Quinn's hushed voice came again.

She sure did love whispering, if you could even call it that.

"We already have the things for it, Quinn." Sadie informed her.

See, not whispering.

"Oh." She flushed red again, probably embarrassed that they heard her.

"Hey?" I took her hand, feeling the slightly roughed flesh. "Relax, it's gonna be good." I actually did whisper to her.

"Okay, Ry." She smiled, deepening those dimples.

I relaxed and looked out the window, leaving my hand in Quinn's and surprisingly she didn't pull away.


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