Chapter Forty One

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I threw the shot back, cringing as the burn trickled down my throat.

The four of us were at the cafe after an entire day out. In an attempt to cheer Quinn up, we took her paintball earlier on then to one of those mystery rooms things. It was Quinn's idea to come to the cafe to relax after going home to change. Tonight the cafe played a collection of nineties music. They seemed to agree on a quiet night as the music stayed at a peaceful tempo and didn't make your eardrums bleed.

Tomorrow we had an appointment with Ma's friend at the orphanage and I could see how nervous my girl's been. It would be a long shot but since Ava was now eighteen, we hoped for a chance of knowing her whereabouts. Maybe she looked for her sisters as well. Assuming she knew Quinn and Miranda, Lily, were alive.

"Another?" Kaiden pushed another shot my way.

With a shake of my head, I pushed it away. "I don't want to get drunk. She needs me tonight." I glanced over my shoulder to see my girlfriend, best friend and cousin at a booth. Laine had joined us for the evening. Quinn had this sad expression on her face, I didn't like that.

Kaiden took up the tray of drinks and followed behind me. I took my seat next to Quinn, smiling when her arm slung over my shoulder. I highly appreciated how clingy she was. It erased my own doubts on the matter.

Quinn took her club soda with lime while I drank an iced tea. Sadie and Kaiden drank vodka soda. And since Laine was only seventeen, she had root beer. I knew my brother and best friend had every intention of getting wasted tonight and I somehow got the feeling they'd regret it come tomorrow.

"This one isn't strong." Kaiden muttered as he finished his glass.

"Aren't you drinking?" Quinn's breath tickled my ear, eliciting a shiver from me.

"Hmm, no. Not tonight." I smiled shifting closer, not caring if we looked like lovesick puppies.

Since we walked in, I noticed the attention my girlfriend stole. Many women and men here tonight casted lingering looks her way, blatantly running their eyes over her. My jealousy flared but I pushed that down. I didn't have any reason to be jealous, especially knowing I'm the one who had this beautiful human by my side.

"I don't mind if you do. I'm the one driving anyway." She murmured still close to my ear.

Leaning away slightly, I put a kiss on her cheek. "Not tonight, baby."

Kaiden and Sadie drank their drinks like water then took the shots of tequila. I silently watched as they proceeded to go on the dance floor, each going in different directions. Sadie had caught the attention of a tall familiar looking brunette that I placed soon after. It was that model who asked me out a few months ago. I shook my head when I saw Kaiden with some girl already making out in a corner.

"I thought they liked each other." Laine spoke as she too eyed them.

"Me too." I muttered.

"Oh, fuck." Laine grumbled, slouching down on her seat. "It's her, she's here."

"Who's here?" I asked as I tried to see where she was looking.

"Don't look, Rilee. The girl I told you I really liked."

"Ohhh." I stopped and took in my cousin. I remember her telling me about this cheerleader she'd been massively crushing on.

"Go talk to her." Quinn suggested.

Laine sat up with a dumbfounded look. "Are you crazy? I can't do that! What's wrong with you? 'Go talk to her.' "Laine mocked and sunk in her seat again.

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