The Safe

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Watching her face fall was heartbreaking. Obito held the crying woman to his chest, keeping her pressed to him. She had long since stopped crying, but he couldn't bring himself to move. Even after the water was tepid. Finally, knowing they must move and discuss things, she moved off of Obito. Standing, a chill danced over her, making goosebumps prick her skin.

Obito's dark eyes watched as his wife stood from the water. She wouldn't look at him as she stepped out of the tub. Walking to her robe, Y/n wrapped the black silk around her body. Slipping from the room without a word. Obito wasn't sure what to expect from the woman. She was emotional, hormonal, and now upset.

Draining the tub, Obito followed after her once he pulled his pants back on. Hearing a noise from the closet, he entered, expecting her to be getting dressed. He was wrong. "What are you doing?" Obito rushed to her.

Not looking at him, she answered, "What does it look like I'm doing?" His eyes drifted to her hands as she opened the drawer that was a safe.

The guns inside were backlit, a splurge for the former FBI agent. Obito couldn't tell her no. Her eyes had lit up like a kid in a candy store when they were discussing safes, guns, and ammo as they renovated the penthouse. Y/n started pulling out firearms and ammunition, laying them on the top of the island in the middle of their closet.

"Y/n," Obito placed his hand atop hers, stilling her movement. "This isn't necessary."

Y/n closed her eyes, tears dropping to the white countertop, "He's going to come for me, Obito," her voice was weak. "You didn't hear the things he said to me in that interrogation room."

"No," he agreed, "I didn't. Because you refused to let anyone be in there with you." It was something that everyone involved had argued with her about.

The day Madara asked to speak with Y/n alone. Zabuza had argued with her to no end. Kisame even tried to interject, but it was no good. Kakashi tried as well, with Obito. Sakura begged. Tsunade and Jiryia argued with Y/n until they were blue in the face. None of it mattered.

Swollen belly and all, Y/n entered the room. Cameras and mics off, she sat down across from the man. The metal table was the only thing that separated them. Hands cuffed to the table, Madara sat with an eerily calm expression on his lips. The words he spoke to Y/n were chilling and haunted her. She's never told anyone what he said. Nor did she tell them what she said in rebuttal.

A knock on their front door startled them both. Obito took the gun from beneath her hand, loading the magazine into it. Shirtless and armed, Obito walked to the door. Y/n ran to her phone before walking to the end of the hall. 911 dialed, her finger hovering over 'send.'

"It's Kisame," Obito called as he opened the door. "Zabuza didn't mention sending you." He commented as Kisame walked in.

Y/n cinched her robe tighter as she stepped out, "Is Kikyo-"

"Mommy!" The girl in question shouted, running for her mother. Y/n braced herself as Kikyo hugged her tightly.

"I've taken some time off," Zabuza spoke next, closing the door behind him. "The boss sent Kisame with me to monitor any movements made here. We're meeting Kakashi in the morning."

Y/n looked around the room, "When did he call you?" Her narrowed eyes settled on Obito. Kikyo walked closer to her father, sensing her mother's mood swing.

He cleared the gun and walked towards the master bedroom, "Not too long before you got home."

Y/n scurried after him, "Let me get dressed."

Zabuza walked Kikyo to her bedroom, "I need you to stay in here for a bit, okay?"

"Dad," she whined, "I already know that the bad guy is coming after mom." Zabuza frowned. "I'm not deaf." She huffed, crossing her arms.

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