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Hearing his phone ring from his office, Obito walked across the hall to answer it. The ringtone indicated it was his wife. An odd time for her to call. She was at home, getting ready for lunch with her mother, as well as an appointment with Sakura to check on the baby. The Wednesday afternoon was dull for Obito.

That was about to change.

"Asami?" He answered with concern.

"Are you near a TV?" Her voice sounded solemn. "Turn on the news."

Curious and worried, Obito walked to across the hall to the breakroom where the nearest TV was. Turning it on, he waited for the scrolling words to start over. As the terms moved, his eyes widened. No wonder Y/n was upset.

--The most recent kidnapping occurred in Kiri. This time, a twelve-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl were taken. That brings the total in Kiri to six children. The number in Konoha is three.

Police in Konoha are working with the FBI in Kiri to determine what the next steps should be. Cheif Hatake has stated that he's putting together a special team to handle this case, and this case only.

As of now, none of the children have been found. The first kidnapping happened in Kiri, reported on the first of February. Here in Konoha, the first abduction was on February tenth. --

"Why wouldn't Kakashi or Zabuza say something?" Y/n was talking lowly. Sitting on the couch with a worried expression on her face.

Obito knew the question was more to herself than anyone else, but he still answered. "Kakashi probably didn't think anything of it until Kiri called. And Zabuz-"

"I'm worrying about nothing," she stood up as she cut off her husband's attempted explanation. "I need to leave so I can meet mom for lunch."

Obito turned the TV off and began to walk back to his office. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked as he settled in his chair at his desk.

Y/n hummed, "I just need to remember the girls are with Mikoto at the mansion. They don't leave often," Y/n slipped her shoes on as she headed for the door.

Running his hand through his hair, Obito sighed, "You're right, Asami." He wanted to believe her too.

Y/n's feet were silent as she walked down the long hallway to the elevator. Waiting, she debated on asking Obito the next question. It wasn't a big deal, but part of her wanted him there.

"Bito?" She asked hesitantly, "Do you want to meet me at the hospital?"

Anxious now, Obito shifted in his seat, ignoring the emails he needed to read. "Is something wrong?"

Giving a non-vocal no, Y/n added, "Sakura has the results of the genetic testing, as well as the gender of the baby. I didn't kno-"

"What time do I need to be there?" He didn't even wait for her to finish.

Smiling, Y/n stepped into the parking garage, "My appointment is at two."

"I'll see you there," Obito glanced at the clock. He had a little over two hours before he had to leave. "Enjoy lunch with your mom."

Even though it's been a few years, Y/n still had an odd relationship with Tsunade. And Obito knew it.

"I will," she answered as she stood outside her car. "Love you, Bito."

With a soft smile on his lips, Obito responded, "I love you, Asami."


Walking into the bustling restaurant, Y/n scanned the room for the busty blonde. Her car was out front, so Y/n knew that Tsunade was already there. Spotting her waving arm, Y/n smiled as she approached the small and secluded booth.

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