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Shisui POV:

Standing in front of the penthouse door, I thought about my choices over the last thirty hours. Reading that text. Running to this same door. Seeing the blood on the bed. The blood on the floor. That beloved woman unconscious and alone. I hated myself for still loving her. I couldn't move past the idea that it could've been me. And the thought, the idea, the question: does she think about it too?

Pressing my keycard to the lock, I pushed the door open after the light turned green. I thought about texting the private number back. Hell, I even almost called him back. I wanted to know what he wanted, what Madara was even doing medaling with Y/n and Obito. Was his obsession with Y/n that great? Or was there more to the man that I didn't understand?

Things have changed so much over the years. Yet, she's remained the same. It wasn't that I resented Obito; he's like a brother to me. Instead, I resented the hands we were ALL dealt. What could've happened if the situation had been different or if I was more willing to go against Madara?

I handle myself well for the most part. I easily see Y/n as a dear friend, married to the man I consider my brother. I have a hard time when I know that she's struggling and Obito doesn't. When she'd come into work tired after having Tsuki because she was up late while Obito slept. When she'd give a fake smile while agreeing to something she didn't want to do. And I hate remembering the hell she was put through four years ago.

Itachi saw right through me pretty quickly. After Tsuki was born, I went to see Y/n in the hospital. Itachi and Izumi were there. Itachi had used the restroom to wash his hands while Izumi went to get coffee for Y/n. When Itachi walked out of the bathroom, he found me looking at Y/n while she held Tsuki. I suppose the look in my eyes was all too easy for him to read.

We left the hospital together, and he hung back with me while Izumi talked to Sakura. To say the least, I got an ear full from him. I needed to let it go. I needed to forget about her, that she'd never love me like that.

I wasn't even sure how it happened. When it happened. Why it happened. One day, I looked at her as she was laughing with Sakura, and it just clicked. It was after the case while she was pregnant. We were all at the mansion for Halloween. Her swollen belly that she held delicately as she smiled at Mikoto. The sparkle in her eyes as she smiled up at Obito. I wanted her to look at me like that, not him.

I hated myself. I still do. I'm a horrendous person. I should burn in the depths of hell alongside Izuna for the thoughts that have crossed my mind. If anything ever did happen to Obito and Y/n, what kind of man would I be even to attempt a relationship with her? I was insane.

So I vowed to love her from afar. Move on and forget about it. I had a chance, no matter how minuscule it may have been, but I had my chance. She's happy with Obito. Or she was. Is she? Was the distance that began from that moment he said Rin's name? Or was there a divide there before that?

I moved almost robotically as I began to clean the penthouse. The kitchen was the first place I started. Easy enough with the stool and laptop. I placed the computer on the desk in their shared office before moving to the bedroom.

I stood frozen. I had seen the blood before, yes, but now, it made my soul weep. I took a deep breath in to steady myself, but the sound of someone in the penthouse made me jerk to attention. Turning around with my hand at my back, the metal of the gun in my palm, I waited.

"Holy shit," Zabuza raised his hands as I leveled the 9mm. I lowered the gun, "Jirayia call you?" He asked as he walked further into the room.

I put my gun away as I responded, "No," I turned back to the bed, "I wanted to clean up before she came home."

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