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As Y/n entered the study inside the Senju mansion, she wondered if her plan was going to work. More importantly, she wondered if Tora's intel was legitimate. She didn't trust any of the men she had to rely on. And yet that was precisely what she was doing. Relying on men. Many men.

Pouring herself a drink, Y/n waited for Tobirama to arrive. It was unusual for him to be this late in returning home. Pride and jealousy tickled at Y/n. Tobirama had been fawning over Y/n since the car accident. She wondered if he knew more than he was letting on. It was likely true. Hashirama confided in his brother even if Tobirama didn't want to admit it.

"There's the beautiful woman who called me," his voice was tender as always.

Turning, Y/n frowned, "Are you drunk?" She arched a brow as she asked.

Tobirama was dressed in his dark grey suit from this morning, but Y/n found his tie loosened around his neck. His collar was undone, even the top few buttons loose. 

Lifting a shoulder casually, Tobirama approached her, "I wouldn't say drunk."

Blocking his path to the liquor that sat on the bar, Y/n asked, "Then what would you call it?"

Straightening, Tobirama moved onto the defensive, "Letting loose."

Scoffing, Y/n rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were having such a bad day."

"But you are?" Tobirama countered.

"As a matter of fact," Y/n sat her glass on the bar, "I am. Tora finally called me back about Danzo."

Blinking, Tobirama nodded, "I suppose you'll be wanting my help."

"Not if you're going to be 'letting loose' again," she threw the words back at him. "What happened to the man that said he'd be there for me? You can't very well do that if you're drunk, Tobi."

Knowing that she used Tobi to make it feel more intimate, more drastic, Tobi sighed. "I just needed to forget for a bit, okay? Is that so bad? I'm fairly certain I've found you doing the same, Hikari."

Was he so far gone that he was opening up? Was Y/n privy to what made Tobirama Senju tick? She felt like she was undercover all of a sudden. Learning secrets about the man. The only difference between Madara and Tobirama was- No, that's not true. They both DID know she was using them. Madara just didn't know how far Y/n was willing to go to win. Did Tobirama?

"Is something wrong, Tobi?" Y/n stepped closer to Tobirama as he leaned an arm on the wooden bar.

As Y/n slid her hand up his chest, Tobirama let his eyes close at her touch. He's never lied about the fact there is no love between them. But that doesn't mean that Tobirama didn't find comfort in her caresses. The woman knew what she wanted and how to read a man. No, Y/n Uchiha wasn't perfect by any means, but she was definitely a woman many men wanted.

"Nothing to concern yourself with, Hikari," he answered as his eyes opened.

They stared at one another for a moment before Y/n nodded. "Danzo will be in Kiri in two days."

"Where?" Tobirama whispered.

"He's visiting his wife at the Harbor Hotel," Y/n dropped her gaze to where her hand sat on his chest, "the FBI is escorting him. He's going to have heavy security."

"I'll take care of it," Tobirama answered without hesitation.

Lifting her head, Y/n said, "I'm going to drive out tomorrow, see what I can do. I'm not asking you to do this, Tobi."

"You don't have to, Hikari," Tobirama cupped her cheek. His thumb brushed over her flesh as he leaned in, "I'll do it because I want to. As a thank you."

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