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"Why are we having this meeting again?" Obito asked his cousin as they approached Madara's office.

Shrugging, Shisui shoved his hands into his pockets, "Beats me."

Rolling his eyes, Obito focused on the doors before him. It was a last-minute meeting. That usually meant it was important because something needed to be addressed. And this was a family-ONLY meeting. Those were never good.

Obito pulled open one of the heavy doors for Shisui. As Obito followed Shisui in, he noted that Itachi and Sasuke were not present. Neither was Izuna. Curious, Obito wondered when the remaining family members would arrive.

"Good," Madara noted as he rounded his desk, "I have some information I needed to discuss with the two of you." He leaned on his desk casually as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Shisui and Obito exchanged a look, "Just us?" Shisui was the one who voiced the question.

"Yes," Madara responded, "Part of this will be for Obito only."

How odd.

Bored, Obito moved to the large chair before his uncle, "What is it?"

"Do you remember me mentioning a woman I was wanting to keep an eye on?" Obito nodded as Shisui gave a simple 'yes,' "Seems fate has led her to us faster than expected. She applied for the open position as my personal assistant."

Arching a brow, Obito leaned forward as he placed his elbows on his knees, "And what is it about this woman that has you so intrigued?"

"Hn,"  that one noise made Obito know he was onto something. "I knew her mother." He said casually, "I want to keep an eye on her as a favor."

There was something he was hiding. Obito had learned at a young age how to tell when Madara was lying. Shisui wasn't as lucky. Obito also tried to shield the younger cousins from the hardships of the family business, legal and not.

With a heavy gaze focused on Shisui, Madara continued, "I need you to not sleep with her."

Laughing, Shisui asked, "Why do you automatically think I'll try to sleep with her?"

An unamused look was on Madara's face as he pulled his phone from the pocket of his slacks. Pressing a few times, he turned the phone to face Shisui. When Shisui's mouth opened slightly, Obito shifted to look at the image as well. Obito wasn't sure he's ever been so enamored by a picture of a woman before.

She was laughing. A smile spread across her pink lips. Her e/c eyes were filled with delight as she looked at whoever held the camera. H/c slightly obscured her face as she tried to brush it back. She was the image of happiness. And Obito wanted to experience it. With her.

"Okay," Shisui finally said, "I'll keep my hands to myself."

Unfazed by his nephew's words, Madara sat his phone down behind him. "I'm not telling you to ignore her," he explained, "just no sex."

Nodding, Shisui acknowledged the words, "Got it."

"You're dismissed," Madara said plainly.

Curious, Shisui gave Obito a look before he turned for the door. Neither of them was sure what Madara would want Obito for. He told Shisui to keep his hands to himself, but nothing of the sort was said to Obito. Not yet, at least.

The door clicked, and Obito waited for whatever lecture his uncle had in store for him. Always the same. Itachi and Sasuke were left alone most of the time. Shisui was given a stern talking to, maybe reprimanded. But Obito? He never knew what type of punishment was lying in wait.

"I want you to conduct the interview," Madara looked at Obito, "offer her the job. She'll sign a contract like everyone else."

"What's the point of all this?" Obito stood up, "You can't tell me that her mother was that important to you."

"Of course not," Madara smirked, "I actually detest the woman."

Blinking, Obito asked, "She's alive?"

"Unfortunately," he admitted. "Not important for the job I'm giving you."

"And what is that?" He didn't think he would like where this was going.

Pushing off the desk, Madara walked to the windowed wall. "I want you to befriend her. Learn everything you can about her. She could be an asset for us. Or an enemy."

Watching the man, Obito knew to tread carefully. He watched as Madara clasped his hands behind his back. His perch above the city as if he was a god. Eyes scanning the horizon. His body lax and at ease, with the choices, he's made in life. Obito never wanted to be like him. Ever.

"To what end?" Obito pushed.

"To gain her trust," he stated obviously. "I want her to be at ease within the family. Feel welcomed. And one day," Madara looked over his shoulder, "She'll be my wife."

Unable to hide his shock, Obito scoffed, "She could be your daughter," he didn't care for the amused expression on Madara's face at his words. "What is it you really want out of this?"

Turning around, Madara decided to give Obito a bit more information, "She comes from money, much like you," it wasn't as if Madara needed money. "She has knowledge about The Root that we can use. She can give us a future we never thought possible."

There was something seriously fucked up with his uncle. None of this made sense to him. The woman had to be in her mid to late twenties. That meant she was about twenty years younger than Madara. How did he expect to sweep this woman off her feet? If she had money, she wouldn't be a gold digger. While her motive was still an anomaly, Obito figured out what Madara had meant.

"You're wanting an heir," his words made Madara's lips spread into a pleased smile.

"You've always been next in line," Madara knew Obito didn't like the dirtier things that came with being the head of the family. But he knew that his eldest nephew was the best one to take over when the time came. "She will simply offer us a second opportunity. And, on the off chance that I die before she bears me an heir, she can give you one."

Fighting away the sneer, Obito said, "I can go along with most of your plans, Uncle," Obito was smothering the urge to unleash his hatred onto him, "this one is a little too far-fetched."

That sly and sinister expression danced over the older male's features, "You don't need to worry about this working, son," Obito flinched, "I've always done what's best for the family. This is a strategic move that will have lasting benefits."

"What if she refuses? Quits or-"

"She'll have no choice in the matter," Madara didn't let him finish the words. "She's been hardened to most things in life. But, unlike her mother, she's a bleeding heart."

Knowing it was pointless to continue the conversation, Obito only offered Madara, "When do I meet her?"

"Next Thursday," he said with enjoyment, "if the subject comes up, I'll be offering a penthouse as well."

Obito could see the plans unfolding before his uncle. This was something he wasn't going to back down on. He would see this through no matter the consequences. He was worried. He worried for this woman he didn't even know.

"What's her name?" He asked.

Madara's eyes almost looked sullen as he said, "Y/n Uzumaki."

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