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Blinking, Y/n scanned Sakura's body again. She didn't know what was worse. Sakura trying to hide her growing bump, or Sakura ignoring the apparent pain across Y/n's face. It didn't matter. Not really. Y/n knew Sakura was pregnant again, but that didn't take the burn away as she followed her down the hallway to the playroom.

She could hear Mikoto chatting with Izumi as they approached the opened door. Stepping in, Sakura moved aside to allow Y/n to enter. Mikoto looked up from the couch, nearly jumping to her feet to embrace Y/n. Izumi stood to do the same, but she was cut off by the two children that went barreling into Y/n's legs.

"Now, now," Mikoto scolded them, "give Y/n some room."

"Mommy!" Tsuki beamed, "Are you here to take me home?"

Squatting down, Y/n pulled Tsuki into her chest. "No, sweetie," she picked up the girl.

"You shouldn't be doing that!" Mikoto rushed.

Sighing, Y/n turned her body to look at Mikoto, "It's been three weeks, Mikoto," she glanced at Sakura, "I'm cleared for everything."

"But the obvious," Sakura's cheeks blushed at her words.

Shaking her head, Y/n couldn't fathom how such a shy and prudish woman could be a mother and doctor. Let alone be with a man like Sasuke. But, of course, the men in the family were a bunch of dominant and-well; maybe that was the appeal. No time to dwell on such trivial things.

"Yes, Sakura," Y/n finally said, "but that."

Izumi laughed while Mikoto gasped lightly. Fighting the roll of her eyes, Y/n began to tickle Tsuki. The giggling girl began to twist in Y/n's arms. The jar against her stomach made her wince. Izumi stepped in close, holding Tsuki up so Y/n wouldn't drop the young girl.

Izumi smiled, "Come on, Tsuki," she took the happy girl, "Let's go wake up Itsuki from his nap."

Y/n mouthed a 'thank you' to Izumi as she left the room with Tsuki. Leaving Mikoto, Sakura, and Sarada in the room. "I'll take Sarada to get ready for lunch," Mikoto quickly excused herself.

As Mikoto slipped from the room, Y/n ignored Sakura's penetrating gaze. Once the door clicked shut, Y/n faced the pinkette. "Is this an intervention?" She snapped.

Sakura sighed, "We're worried about you," Y/n frowned at the words. However, it didn't stop Sakura from continuing, "Sasuke talked to Obito yesterday. He's worried about you."

"I'm just fine," Y/n argued, "I'm perfectly healthy-"

"I talked to Vivekka," Sakura cut her off, "You declined the anti-depressants."

Narrowing her eyes, Y/n tried to reel in the anger she felt, "Doctor, patient confidentially my ass." She bit, "Shizune is my doctor, Vivekka, my nurse. There is no reason you should know anything about my chart this time around. I don't need the meds; I've handled shit like this before."

Stepping towards Y/n, Sakura reached her hand out. Y/n yanked her arm away as she stepped back. "Not like this, Y/n." Sakura pleaded, "You can't shut everyone out."

Sakura had never seen Y/n like this. She was always the one holding it together. Holding everyone together. The mask had cracked, beginning to crumble around her as she stood there looking at her. The fear crept in as Y/n's eyes darkened. But who was Y/n fearing? Herself? Or the monster that lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike?

"I'm not shutting everyone out," she spat, "I'm doing what I have to do to make sure I take care of my family, including you." Sakura's hand flew to her chest as if Y/n had struck her physically. "I will be damned if anyone will stop me from destroying the man that threatens our happiness."

"Is that what this is about?" Sakura asked.

Angrily, Y/n ran a hand through her hair, "I just need to know that Tsuki is alright here while I take care of some things." She dropped her arm away, "That's all I need."

Nodding this time, Sakura tried to fight the tears away, "You're going to drive yourself mad, Y/n."

Scoffing, Y/n said the words that were truer than her love for Obito, "I was mad the day I ever stepped foot inside this mansion."

That was all it took. Y/n turned and escaped the hell hole that surrounded her. The sanctuary for her child was a dungeon for her. The images that flooded her mind when she entered the home were from a horror film. The hatred she felt was a chill that crept up her spine and gripped her with fear.

No matter how often she told herself he wasn't there, she always dreamt of him lurking around the corner. She didn't fear Madara Uchiha, so why did it so grip her? Was it him? Or was it Danzo? She still didn't entirely believe Madara. Did she fear death? Or was it the death of someone else that she feared? Perhaps it was the secrets being leaked.

None of it mattered. None of what she did matter. She needed to find out the truth behind Madara's claim before she did anything. After that, she needed to figure out how to get to Madara himself. Would it be that simple? Unlikely.

If Danzo was alive, how would she go about getting to him? And killing him? What did Madara expect her to do? Kill Danzo and go on the run with him? Madness had drenched everything she touched. She should've ended it when she had the thought the other night.

The same thought swirled in her mind over and over like a drain that wouldn't empty. Circling. Drifting. Lingering. Hanging. Waiting. Baiting. Taunting. Creeping further and further to the surface. Then, suddenly, the tub was flooded rather than the basin being near empty, spilling over and covering everything in crimson.

Crimson. The color that plagues her nightmares. She dreams of holding her swollen belly, only for her hand to come back covered in blood. It will shift; she's standing over a body, one whose face is obscured by darkness. But, again, her hands are coated in blood. Then, she's drowning in. When she screams, the copper tang fills her mouth until she's choking. Sputtering words that she can't make out.

Maybe her death is inevitable. But if her life is what it costs so everyone else can live, she'll gladly meet the reaper at the gates of hell. Then, with a smile on her face, she'll waltz into the flames as if she owned the place. When she spots Izuna, she'll sneer and laugh, knowing that she was the reason he was there.

If possible, she'll become a demon for satan himself. Only so she can torture those she sees fit. Starting with Ry. Once Madara is there, before or after her, she'll gladly lure him to her. The seductress he loves would contort into the personification of death. So bathed in the red, he loves so much on her flesh.

Y/n's thoughts had been this dark for the last three weeks. Ever since she hung up the phone with Madara, Y/n had turned into a completely different beast. She was silent as she lay beside Obito. She was planning and piecing together what her next steps should be. She had an idea, but she knew that Obito would be against it. Nevertheless, it was the best choice she had. Her best opportunity at getting what she wanted.

Obito didn't dare ask what thoughts traced his wife's mind. She was still loving and tender when he held her. She still kissed him softly when they lay in bed. While Y/n worked from home, Obito went into the office with Shisui, Itachi, and Sasuke. The family decided to continue as if nothing had changed. Society moved on, so, so should they.

That wasn't how life worked, though. Was it? Y/n wasn't the only one plotting. Where she thought Madara was her biggest concern, she was indeed very wrong. Two serpents were dancing in the night. Twisting, coiling, ready to strike. Waiting for the perfect moment to draw the metallic blood that coursed through her veins.

Always out for blood. All monsters wanted the same thing. Scarlet to cover their hands. Crimson to coat the floor. Blood to spill. Puncture the flesh and drain every last drop.




Let the bloodbath begin.

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