The Box

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Obito stood leaning against the doorframe of their bedroom door. Obito crossed his arms over his chest as he watched his wife sleep. She looked peaceful, and he wanted to take all the worry away that would be eating at her tomorrow. The men had agreed to reconvene on Monday after their evening together.


The four males opened the box first. Beneath the lid, they were met with Manila envelopes. All labeled and organized. Obito skimmed through the envelopes as they all waited. Zabuza and Kakashi began to scan the labels as Obito sat them down. Kisame picked up the bag, emptying its contents to the coffee table.

"Was she working on something for you?" Obito wasn't looking at Zabuza, but he knew Obito pointed the question at him.

Zabuza shook his head, "No," They were labeled, even dated, as though she was working on a case, and this was evidence.

"This one is titled 'Izuna,'" Obito said with a hint of worry.

The crash of whatever Kisame poured out made the men look up. "What the fuck?" Kakashi mumbled. "Why would she keep all these?"

His hands ran over the jewelry. Every piece Madara had ever given her lay on the coffee table. Obito reached forward, plucking the one item that held his attention more than the others. The diamond ring glinted in the light of the penthouse. Anger filled his chest.

Opening his mouth to say something he'd likely regret, Kakashi's ringing phone cut him off. The name: Naruto Uzumaki. Kakashi was curious why the younger male would be calling him on his day off. Answering the phone, Kakashi listened carefully.

"Naruto?" He questioned.

"You near a TV?" Kakashi heard Naruto ask.

Kakashi looked at Obito, "Yes," he answered as he pointed to the TV.

"You should turn it on," his tone left no room for debate.

"Turn it on," Kakashi said as he titled the phone away. "What's going on?" He asked Naruto.

A heavy breath left Naruto, and Kakashi heard what sounded like the man pacing, "You'll see." Naruto replied gravely.

Obito figured the news channel was where he should go, so he switched over. Across the screen was their worst nightmare: BREAKING NEWS: MADARA UCHIHA HAS ESCAPED FROM PRISON. As if on cue, everyone's phones began to ring.

"Fuck," Kakashi said. Then, looking at Zabuza, he asked, "How in the hell is already on national news?"

Zabuza looked at him, "The fuck am I supposed to know," he looked at his phone, "Shit- Hello?" He stood up, taking his phone call. "I- you- Why would I have anything to do with this?" Obito assumed it was Zabuza's boss. He was wrong. "Dammit, Jirayia, I'm not going to leak something like this. Are you fucking serious right now? I love that woman to death, and you're accusing me of-" the room went stark quiet. "Look," he sighed, back still to the other men in the room, "I'm at the penthouse with Kisame and Kakashi. Obito told her already."

"Why don't we go have a smoke?" Obito didn't even notice that Kakashi was off the phone to ask him that.

Obito focused on Kakashi and not Zabuza's back, "I'm fine," he most assuredly wasn't fine.

Zabuza spoke again, "She's asleep," he finally turned around, "Her phones on the coffee table. I'll be at the precinct Monday morning. See you then."

Kisame was on the phone in the kitchen. With his boss, a conversation he wasn't ready for. Kakashi felt the tension as Zabuza hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. Obito ignored his phone as it rang, multiple people trying to get ahold of him now. Stepping away from the couch, Kakashi headed for the office, wanting as far away as possible from the impending explosion.

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