Living and Killing

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The joint investigation started out bumpy. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to get any easier. Not because of cooperation between Haku, Rasa, and Kakashi. No. The issue was there was absolutely no evidence as to what had gone wrong. It looked like a simple gas leak leading to an explosion.

Everyone knew better. But no one could prove it, aside from one man. He wasn't going to do anything about it, though. How could he? Especially when he was the man behind the contract.


"What do you mean you don't know where he is?" Y/n snapped as she sat on the side of her bed. "I was told you knew precisely where he was."

An arrogant hum filled the quiet air over the phone, "I told father I knew how to find him," Tora paused, "not that I knew where he was located. And it's his son I've been speaking with. I'm to speak with Danzo tomorrow."

There was something extremely strange about this entire thing to Y/n. They were all giving her the run-around about this. How did she even know that Danzo was alive at this point? Who's to say Madara didn't kill him already and was blaming the tragedy on him to save face? Could Madara truly take a hit out on Obito?

Sighing, Y/n looked at the clock beside the bed, "I don't have time for this, Tora," standing, she grabbed her keys, "figure it the fuck out and call me back."

Clicking his tongue, Tora replied, "No need to be so angry with me, Kosai."

"The fuck there isn't," Y/n was using that word a lot these days, "I'm tired of games. And I'm tired of the men behind them having the last name Uchiha."

When Y/n entered the hallway, she found Tobirama waiting for her. In silence, the two began to make their way to the mansion's lower level. Y/n noted that Hashirama was in the study, door snuggly closed. No Mito in sight. Tobirama eyed Y/n with curiosity as they walked to the door.

"I give you my word that I'm not playing any games with you, Kosai," Y/n hated the depth of Tora's voice. She wasn't sure how he could sound so revolting and attractive all at the same time.

Walking out the door Tobirama held open, Y/n ground out, "I've heard that line before, Tora. And, again, from men with the last name Uchiha. None of you know how to tell the truth. And even if there is a sliver of accuracy to your words, they're so twisted that I couldn't tell you which part is truth and which part is a lie. I expect a phone call tomorrow."

Tobirama nearly fell over when he heard the name of the man she was speaking to. And the way she was talking to him. This was the woman he had met those few, short years ago. The woman he dreamt of seducing into his bed. The joke was on him. Y/n was the one doing the seducing from the moment they met.

"I promise on not only my life," this was going to be interesting, "but yours as well, Kosai, that I will call you tomorrow." Tora ended the call with a cliffhanger.

Stopping abruptly, Y/n gawked at her phone.

"Something wrong?" Tobirama asked with concern as he turned back to her.

Shaking her head, Y/n approached the car, "Remind me in the next life to become a lesbian if I'm born female, okay?"

Confusing etched Tobirama's face before amusement spread across his features. "You could always practice in this life." He said with a sly smile as he opened her door.

Sliding in, Y/n rolled her eyes, "You can dream all you want to, Tobirama."

All Y/n heard was his deep chuckle as Tobirama closed the door. Then, rounding the car, he climbed into the driver's seat. Starting the Porsche, he asked, "Is this a good idea?"

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