A Drive

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The fierce gaze in Y/n's eyes slammed into the males before her. They knew there was no changing her mind. It was pointless for them to argue with her. They were surprised she even complied with their initial request. But here she was. At KPD, standing in front of Kakashi and Zabuza.

"Take Kisame," Zabuza pleaded.

Shaking her head, Y/n answered, "No."


"No," Y/n cut off Kakashi, "and he doesn't need to know about this. I've managed to keep him and his family out of this for this long. Madara will not touch anyone without the name Uchiha unless he sees a reason. I will not drag anyone into this."

Driving to Suna was one thing. But the clothes she was wearing.

Zabuza's eyes skittered across Y/n's figure, "Did you have to dress like that?"

Tilting her head, Y/n waved at her body, "Does my appearance bother you?"

"Greatly," Kakashi chuckled.

The rich purple fabric of the dress was tightly wrapped around her figure. At her left hip, there was a ruffle. The neckline was just low enough to make the eye drift down. Her heels were open-toed, strappy, and high. Laying on the back of the chair next to her was the black coat that would cover the entire length of the dress.

"Where is your gun?" Zabuza asked, knowing it wasn't beneath her dress.

Sighing, Y/n pointed to her purse, "I have a blade on my thigh." She added for good measure.

Leaving it alone, Kakashi took the plunge onto the next subject. "Have you called Obito?"

"No," Y/n said in disbelief. "I do not need to call him."

"Babe," Zabuza interjected, "you need to address this. You need to let yourself-"

"Stop," she raised her hand as she snapped the single word to the two men. "I will deal with one disaster at a time. I'm trying to include you in this as much as I can. If you don't stop trying to control me, then I'll do it entirely alone."

That wasn't true. She had the support of one man. A man that she knew would make these two go crazy. He would make everyone go crazy, which was part of why she picked Tobirama in the first place.

Kakashi knew he needed to tread lightly here. If he pushed her too far, she would do exactly what she said. She tended to shut down and shut everyone out when she was determined. And she was definitely determined.

Zabuza also knew he needed to watch how he proceeded. He'd seen her close in on herself too many times before. He wanted to protect her, but she never wanted protecting. She never wanted a man to take care of her. Zabuza was afraid it would be her downfall.

"Anything else?" Y/n asked as she crossed her arms and cocked her hip.

Ignoring anything that might come from it, Kakashi took the few steps that separated them and pulled her to him. Y/n was shocked at first. Then, relaxing, she wrapped her arms around him tightly. His scent was soft against her senses as she inhaled deeply.

Taking a step back, Kakashi held Y/n's shoulders, "You'll call if anything happens?"

Frowning, Y/n cut her eyes to Zabuza, "We all know you put a tracker on my car," then, looking to Kakashi, she said, "and you have someone in Suna already."

"I don't even want to know how you know all of that," Zabuza didn't even try to deny it.

Kakashi moved away, "I agree with him on this one."

Uchiha Collision (Sequel of Uchiha Corp)Where stories live. Discover now