Lost, but Found

551 47 108

A/N: Possible Trigger Warning for pregnancy loss.


The scream rippled throughout the air as she clutched her stomach. The room felt like a furnace as she kicked the blanket and sheet away. In her mind, she knew it was normal. Panic still pumped through her veins as she reached for her glasses. Shoving them on her face, she tried to sit up. Pushing herself to sit, she groaned in pain the entire time. Finally upright, she clutched her stomach as the red of the clock glared back at her.

4:24 AM

She should call someone. No. Why should she call someone? She knew what was happening. The blood that slicked her legs and coated the bed left no doubt. Blinking, she thought it seemed like a lot of blood. She needed to wash all the blood away. She needed to break the fever. Sweat beaded her brow and dotted her chest.

Picking up her phone, her vision was still blurred as she tried to check it. Nothing. Obito never called or texted. He hadn't even read her message. Pressing the call button, she put the phone to her ear. It rang. And rang. And rang. The voicemail clicked, and she thought about what to say.

"I need you," it came out hushed and desperate.

Pressing end, she let the phone fall to the floor as she doubled over. She followed the phone as she fell to her knees on the floor. Medicine and a shower. She could do it. She's suffered alone for the majority of her life, and this was no different. She couldn't call someone at four in the morning. Not for this.

They'd bombarded her with questions about Obito. Then they'd criticize him and condemn him. She went over the list of people she would call a million times as she leaned against the wall. Then, stumbling into the bathroom, she knew she should call someone. Anyone. She just couldn't.

Sakura and Hinata didn't need to witness this.

Tsunade would kill Obito. As would Jirayia.

Naruto had Boruto and Hinata to worry about.

She and Izumi weren't that close. Plus, the stress that she and Itachi were under.

If she called Kakashi, Zabuza, or Shisui, Obito would never forgive her.

Finally, to the shower, she turned the handle. The chilling water struck her skin like daggers. How high was her fever? She tried to rationalize the situation, using her nursing degree and not her emotions to think. She was failing. She couldn't understand why she felt so terrible. She's seen, heard, and read about many women miscarrying in the first trimester. None seemed this horrendous on the medical side of things.

Emotionally and mentally, she wasn't sure if she would recover from it. How much more could the woman be dealt before she shattered?

She didn't bother taking off her glasses as she stepped under the water. Tears mixed with the chilled liquid as she closed her eyes. She was still dressed as she shimmied out of the ruined panties. The panty liner was pointless, to begin with, it seemed. 

Why were her arms so heavy?

Why couldn't she hear anything?

Why did her head hurt so badly?

'Open your eyes, Y/n!'

No matter how much she told herself to open her eyes, she couldn't. Instead, she struggled to figure out what was going on, where she was. Nothing made sense to her. The world had gone silent. Dark. Cold. Hard.


Shisui squinted as he sat up on the couch. The screen on his phone was far too bright for the early hour. The TV had the satellite logo dancing across it, a sign he had fallen asleep watching TV. Rubbing his eye with his palm, he looked back at his phone. Who was texting him so early? It wasn't even five.

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