The Steps

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Once everything had been settled between the three individuals, the doors to the conference room opened again. The Tora folder was hidden with Kakashi's jacket pocket- they were ready to face the others. Rasa made sure he was the first to enter the room. Stalking towards the table, he immediately went for the box. Y/n exchanged a look with Kakashi and Zabuza as everyone else entered.

Obito made his way to his wife and slipped his hand to her back, "Everything okay?" He whispered softly as he kissed her cheek.

She smiled and nodded, "I'll explain later," she replied in a calm voice.

Rasa began to pull out folders and scanning the titles. Jirayia stopped next to the man while he looked into the box as well. The rest of the men made their way around the table, taking chairs where they pleased. Seeing that Rasa wasn't going to stop anytime soon, Kakashi moved to address the group. The faster this was over with, the sooner they could start searching for the mad man that was on the loose.

"I think we all know how important time is here," Kakashi began, "Kiri has already been in touch with me. Haku is our contact. Rasa will be our contact back in Suna. Zabuza and Jirayia will be working together here in Konoha with us." Kakashi's eyes landed on Naruto, "You're not going to be actively investigating the-"

"The hell I won't!" Naruto exclaimed as he stood up, "She-"

"I know," Kakashi raised his hand, "You will be privy to the information, but you will not be looking into any leads."

Naruto opened his mouth to protest but knew that Kakashi was making the best decision for the case, "Yes, Sir," Naruto complied as he sat down.

"If you're going to take everyone off the case that's linked to Madara's end goal," Rasa lifted his head to look over at Kakashi. But, of course, everyone knew he implied the lone female in the room. "Then everyone in this room aside from those two should leave."

Those two. Asuma and Shikamaru are the two he pointed at. Why wouldn't he imply that Kisame could still be in the room? Unless he knew of the incident the night, Izuna had drugged Y/n at the strip club. Y/n wasn't the only one who tucked away that thought as she moved to speak.

"Is there an issue, Rasa?" Obito tensed at the tone his wife took. "Because I'd like to know why Suna FBI is involved? Last I heard, Madara had no ties to anyone in Suna. The Sand Siblings refused to make any illegal trades with him. Keeping with their completely legitimate imports and exports business, they work solely with the Senjus, and now us."

The woman's knowledge was beyond the scope of a few of the occupants. She really did do her homework on Madara. Before, during, and after the case. Rasa's nostrils flared as he reeled his temper in. Pulling a folder from the box, Rasa tossed it to the table. It slid halfway down, landing reasonably close to Shikamaru. The male reached for it before pulling it open.

It was labeled: SUNA.

"Mind telling me what's in that folder then?" Rasa asked as he faced the woman that seemed defiant and defensive.

Y/n smirked lightly, "Information on the Sand Siblings," Rasa paled, "Their legal guardian, Baki. And their father," she paused, tilting her head slightly, she added, "You." Rasa's head whipped around as the brunette thumbed through the pages.

Humming to himself, Shikamaru arched a brow as he stopped on a page, "Looks like Madara was pulling up all the dirt he could on the siblings," he said lazily, "I guess he was arrested before he could make any deals with them."

Y/n's voice cut anyone off from continuing, "The day he was arrested," they all focused on her, "He was meeting with Baki to give him a flash drive with all the same information. Finally, Madara felt he had enough to blackmail the group into working with him to distribute the new drug into Suna."

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