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As the sound of feet echoed down the long hallway, the woman's thoughts began to swarm. She had choices to make. None of them easy. None of them did she want to make. But they had to be made. She had to choose. Choosing wasn't something she enjoyed doing.

If she chose wrong, what would happen? Who would get hurt? Would there be repercussions? Of course there would be. Of course someone would be hurt. Hell, someone would likely die.

Sighing, Y/n turned to enter the last wing of the hall. She paused as she heard voices around the corner.

"I told you that I can't," it was Vivekka.

"Come on, sweetheart," confused, Y/n listened closely, "I promise. One date. If you hate me after that, I'll leave you alone. If you don't hate me," Y/n imagined a wink on the man's face, "I get a second date."

Chancing a look, Y/n leaned out to look at Vivekka. The poor woman's face was pink in the cheeks. She was typing on her computer that she was standing at in the hallway. Viv had become the personal nurse for any Uchiha at the request of Tsunade. While the woman was retired, she still owned the hospital.

Something struck within Y/n as she watched the two interact. Was she jealous? And if she was, was it the fact that she missed the attention in general? Or was it the man that was perusing Viv?

"Okay," Viv finally answered. "One date." She said sternly.

Grinning, the man stood taller, "That's all I need, sweetheart."

Taking her cue, Y/n approached them. "How are they?"

"Oh," Viv's face went from pink to red. "They- well-"

"Gorgeous," Shisui gave Y/n an apprehensive look, "I didn't know you were visiting today."

Confused, she answered, "Zabuza asked me to stop by. Obito isn't answering my texts, though."

"About that," Viv glanced to Shisui, "he's refusing visitors."

Y/n wasn't shocked by the news. But she was surprised that no one had called or texted her to tell her that.

"She called me to see if I could get him to listen to me," Shisui pointed to Vivekka. "I was thrown a few explicit words before I heard something hit the door."

Sounded familiar to Y/n.

"I'm going to take Zabuza's vitals before I head back downstairs," Vivekka felt she needed to excuse herself. Then, without waiting for a reply, Viv entered the FBI agent's room.

Shisui took a tentative step closer to Y/n, "Are you okay?"

"Why didn't one of you call me?" Y/n asked.

Looking to the door separating them from Obito, Shisui told her, "I asked if she had called you," he looked back to Y/n, "and she said Obito told her not to. I was about to leave when-"

"You asked Viv out," the words were much tenser than Y/n had expected them to be.

Trying not to flinch, Shisui nodded, "Yea," he held Y/n's stare. "She- She's normal. She's different. She- I don't know. But I can tell you that the moment I met her was the closest thing I've ever felt to when I met someone else."

Shisui didn't dare say the words. The off chance Vivekka heard. Or god forbid Obito did.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world, Shisui," her smile didn't reach her eyes. "And I like Viv. She's a little overbearing with checking in on me, but she means well." Y/n tried to laugh, but it sounded as hollow as she felt.

"Do you want me to stay?" Shisui asked.

Shaking her head, Y/n explained, "It's probably best I do this alone." Then, lifting her hand, Y/n showed the key she held. "Can't really tell the owner's daughter no when she has the master key."

Uchiha Collision (Sequel of Uchiha Corp)Where stories live. Discover now