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Tobirama ordered a town car for the funeral. Y/n found it rather absurd. As the car approached the cemetery, Y/n thought about the reactions her appearance would bring. Being there was one thing. Arriving with Tobirama, matching, was an entirely different situation.

"We don't have to do this," Tobirama said without looking at Y/n.

They both had their eyes cast out their respective windows. Y/n closed her eyes, "I need to do this." Then, opening her eyes, Y/n watched the headstones pass by. "Besides," she turned to Tobirama, catching his gaze in the window's reflection, "we skipped the church ceremony."

As Tobirama turned to look at Y/n, he took hold of her hand. "Are you sure about this?"

"You and I both know what this is between us," Y/n didn't hide the teasing smile on her lips, "so why not use me to your advantage. Like I am you?"

Shaking his head, Tobirama replied, "I told you the other day," he looked out the window as the car stopped, "I don't have to love you to care about you."

Snorting, Y/n said, "I hate you too."

"Keep hiding behind that mask of yours, and you'll end up alone," Tobirama didn't miss a beat.

Taking her hand away, Y/n said, "I'll just keep you all to myself if that happens."

Silence. They both knew there was too much on the line for jokes. Teasing is how they eased the tension. The time for that was over, though. The driver exited the car to open Y/n's door. Tobirama exited on the side closest to the gravesite as Y/n stepped out with the driver's help.

From where they stood, Y/n heard the murmurs from the crowd walking to the chairs set out for the gathering. They questioned why Tobirama was in attendance alone when Hashirama and Mito arrived at the church. The gasps drifted through the air as Y/n rounded the car. Tobirama held his hand out to her, helping her up the short curb to the grass.

Eyes were locked onto the couple as they approached the grave. Y/n's dress was simple yet striking. The black fabric was tightly wound around her upper body. At her waist, the material was looser, stopping just below her knees. Her heels were high, making the top of her head come to Tobirama's lips. However, it was her clutch that would confirm everyone's suspicions. The paisley fabric was an exact match to Tobirama's vest.

As Y/n came to a stop, Tobirama did the same. Wrapping an arm around her, Tobirama kept her close at his side. Y/n never looked anywhere other than at the casket that sat waiting to be lowered. She could feel their eyes. The friends Fukagu made over the years. His employees. His family. Her husband.

Suddenly a harsh whisper caught Y/n's attention, "What in the hell are you doing?"

Turning her head, Y/n gave a fake smile, "While Mito," tilting her head, she kept the smile on her lips, "I didn't know you would be here."

Before Mito could snap a reply, Hashirama interjected, "I hope you two know what you're doing." His heavy gaze was focused on his brother.

"Obito and I are separated," Y/n answered, "it's not as though a sex tape has been leaked. I'm here with a dear friend in mourning. That's all."

Tobirama bit back his laugh at the glare Hashirama gave him. "You two are asking for trouble."

Sighing, Y/n told Hashirama, "The worst thing that will happen is Mikoto roughly gesturing in my direction to bring attention to us. Then Obito may or may not come over here to see what I'm doing."

When Tobirama squeezed Y/n's hip, he said, "Two for two."

Looking around Hashirama, Y/n spotted Mikoto speaking heatedly with Itachi and Sasuke. Shisui was a short distance away, while Obito was headed straight for the two couples.

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