A Glimpse

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A little over two weeks after Y/n was released from the hospital, things had been strangely quiet. For everyone. Madara made no contact and no moves against anyone. The man had been content for a bit. Watching from a distance had been enough for him. Secluded and hidden from anyone that might be looking for him.

He hated that he traded the cameras and mics for an opportunity to speak to Y/n. In truth, he gave them every location at the office, the penthouse, and the mansion. He wanted to show Y/n that he was being honest. That he was truthful and faithful. Something that he felt no other man could offer her. In her past, and even now.

Far from prying eyes, Madara sat listening to the droning of the voices around him. Since his timely escape from prison, he's had to find a means of income. Having loyal subjects came in handy. While Kakuzu may have purchased the strip club, the profit became Madara's once he agreed to work for him again. The meeting taking place was mundane and boring.


Hidan glanced at Deidara as he said, "We've never been more profitable than when Y/n worked there. That girl raked it in, dammit."

Tensing, Deidra tried to keep his expression neutral. "She was good at her job, that's for sure." Nevertheless, he failed to hide his discomfort.

"Fucking imagine if she danced," Hidan seemed to have forgotten who occupied the room.

"Hn," Hidan jerked his attention towards me, "Do you imagine her dancing?" The entire atmosphere shifted as everyone turned to look at me. At the head of the table, I sat with my cheek against my first. "I seem to recall some lost footage of her with Izuna while I was out of town."

All eyes moved to Sasori, "It was destroyed, just as you asked."

"Was it?" I arched a brow as I sat up. "Izuna managed to send it to me before the idiot got himself killed. So either you're lying, or Izuna had someone hack the system before you accessed it."

I could see Sasori visibly gulp. Hidan's excitement fell, though I could see the question lingered on everyone's tongue. I have been sitting on that footage for years now. I've debated on what to do with it. Do I send it to her? Do I send it to Obito? Or do I savor the moment I can experience the sensual moment with her?

"He threatened me," Sasori exclaimed, "He had wanted me to send it to him to use against her later. You know how Izuna was-"

"I do," I cut him off, "I'll forgive your ignorance this time."

Sasori bowed his head as he sat a few chairs down on the left, "Thank you, Sir."

Standing, I spoke, "You're all dismissed." I began to walk for the door, "Shin," I focused my attention on the grotesque-looking man, "Tell Danzo I'm collecting on my favor."

The ominous words were all I gave as I left the room. I could hear the group discussing something as I walked down the hallway. I was always a secretive man, but no one knew what I was thinking these days. No one knew what I had up my sleeve. And that's exactly how I wanted it.

Danzo was even dumber than I remembered from when we were younger. Expecting me to betray Y/n for him. It wasn't as if he held anything over me. But the moment I found out he was alive, I vowed to make sure he finally met his end. He cost me Y/n, and it would cost him his life. Closing the door to my office, I thought over what I wanted to do next. Then, sitting at my desk, I pulled my phone free from my pocket. I had no desire to continue dealing with those men. I had no desire to continue dealing with anyone. The pent-up aggression that coursed through my veins needed release.

My thumb hovered over her name as I stared at it. Everyone thought I was a heartless man. That wasn't true at all. She held my heart. No matter how much she fought me on it, I love that woman. She doesn't have to believe me, not yet. But I will show her that I do care for her.

I never meant to fall in love, especially with her. The hard-headed, independent, determined and selfless woman that fights me every step of the way. She hides behind this hardened exterior. When, in truth, she's suffering. She wants nothing more than to be loved and cherished. But no one can give that to her. No one but me.

If she wanted to the stars, I'd find a way to pluck one from the sky. I'd give her the entire world, as I've told her if I could. I'll give her the peace she longs for. The comfort of knowing she's safe, as well as her daughters. Keeping her heart covered by my hands will keep her from ever feeling pain again.

I can't tell you when it happened. I looked back over my time with her, and I watched as my infatuation shifted. I tried to find the moment it changed, but it was not apparent to me. The way she laughs, so lyrical and soft. Her eyes as they shine when she looks up at me. The way she rests her head on my chest as she sleeps, snuggling into me.

Her defiance only adds to her beauty. She may be stubborn, but her heart is pure. She only followed through on the case because she thought it was best. She thought she was doing the right thing. But, unfortunately, the father of her daughter used her, manipulated her into thinking she needed to do it. While I couldn't care less what happens to Danzo and his worthless family, I have no doubt she would sacrifice herself to save every Uchiha- including myself.

Hell, she fought to give every Akatsuki member as little time as possible in prison, aside from Zetsu. I couldn't believe it when I heard what she was doing. She was advocating for them. She was defending the men that she was sent to take down. She placed as much blame on Izuna as she could. Even taking some of the spotlight off of me.

When she entered the visitation room the first time, my heart swelled. She needed to see me, no matter what she told herself. The desire to lay her eyes upon me was too great for her to fight. Of course, Y/n can lie to herself all she likes, but deep down, she does harbor feelings for me. Labeled or not, she cannot deny the pull I have over her.

I can read her expression better than anyone, including herself. The stern exterior is nothing but a mask that shatters the moment I look at her. Her words are a dance to try and hide the truth. But, if you listen closely, you can hear the actual song she's singing beneath it. When I take my last breath in this world, I want her voice to be the last thing I hear. Her face to be the last thing I lay my eyes upon. Her touch to be the last caress against my skin. I want her to be my last everything.

My precious Okami. She is a breath of life when I look at her. The first flower of spring. The first snow of winter. A soft breeze drifting through the open window. The sun filtering through the curtains, stirring you awake.

She is all I dream of. Waking to her every morning is all I want in life. Holding her as we drift to sleep is what I long for. She is everything to me. My heartbeat. My breath. My heart. My soul and my life. I will hold her again. I will call her mine.

As I press send on the short message, all I can think about is the day I will see her again. I hope it's soon. And I wonder, will she finally let herself be loved by me? Will she let herself love me? Will she admit what she's fought for so long?

'Okami, my heart longs to hold you in my arms again. Sleep well, my love.'

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