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Standing on the steps of the mansion, Y/n waited for the door to be answered. She dressed for the occasion, or so she thought. Spring was in the air, so she wore a pair of white capris. Her blue blouse, a deep navy, and capped sleeves hung off her shoulders. Everything hugged her figure perfectly. The small heels were cute and flirty.

When the door opened, Y/n turned around with a smile on her lips. She held it there as her eyes scanned the occupant of the home. Eyes trailed from the neat dress shoes to his tailored slacks. The grey vest was over his blue shirt, jacket missing. Clean-shaven face with an arched brow as dark red eyes assessed her.

"I was wondering if you were going to show up here one day," his tone was displeased. "You shouldn't be here."

With a sly look on her face, Y/n tilted her head, "And why is that, Tobirama?"

With a shake of his head, Tobirama stepped aside, "You know as well as I do why you shouldn't be here." Then, as she entered the Senju Mansion, he added, "But I won't stop you from digging your own grave."

"Perhaps you can help me dig it then," she turned around as he closed the door. When he walked to her, Y/n looked up at him, "Or, maybe we can work together to keep us both from getting buried alive."

Ignoring the words, Tobirama began to walk through his home. Y/n followed, knowing he was willing to listen to what she had to say. Y/n had only been in the house a few times in the years since she finished the case. It wasn't a place she particularly enjoyed. Though she didn't have any bad memoirs here per se, she didn't enjoy her time here before either.

Entering the study, Tobirama left the door open. He headed for the bar before pulling the bottle of whiskey from the shelf. Then, two glasses in hand, he placed them on the bar. Y/n watched as he took the ice and put it into the glasses.

"This reminds me of when we met at the restaurant," Y/n's tone was sultry as she eyed him.

"Seem to remember I was the one pouring the drinks, though."

Tobirama cut his eyes up, "I seem to remember a lot from that evening," his eyes dipped to her breasts, "shame you're not wearing a dress."

Casually, Y/n shrugged before taking the glass from Tobirama, "It all ends up on the floor, right?"

Devious and delicious, he smirked, "Right."

Raising her glass, Y/n waited as Tobirama did the same. A slight clink, and they shared a quiet drink. As Y/n sat her glass down, Tobirama rounded the bar. Stopping before her, his eyes surveyed the woman. To him, she hasn't changed a bit. The same sassy and beautiful woman stood before him. There was something in her eyes, though. Something he couldn't quite place.

"Is your brother home?" She asked sweetly.

With a look of skepticism, Tobirama answered, "I feel as if you know the answer to that question."

"Perhaps I just want to confirm we're alone," her voice dripped with honey. "After all, he doesn't tend to stick around. And with Mito- well, I wouldn't expect him to stay."

As Tobirama ran his ring finger around the rim of his glass, Y/n's eyes watched the movement. "Now, I doubt you're here for that, Y/n," he gave a sly smirk now, "you may be devious and manipulative, but you're not going to ruin your marriage on account of me."

"Me?" She grinned, "Devious and manipulative. I didn't know you thought so highly of me, Tobirama."

Another lazy sip of his whiskey before he said, "You know exactly what I think of you," his gaze hardened, "now why are you here?"

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