Party Time

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Trigger warning: drinking and driving

Laying in her NEW bed at the Senju mansion, Y/n sighed. Tobirama had continued to insist that Y/n move into the estate. Her room was beside his. It's been three days since she moved in. She's fallen asleep in Tobirama's room two of those nights.

This was the first night she attempted to sleep alone. Tobirama never asked a single question as to why Y/n was in his room. Instead, he simply accepted her without hesitation. Arms open, and bed warmed and waiting. It was a feeling Y/n wasn't sure she would know again. They both knew this was temporary. But, that doesn't mean they can't enjoy it.

The clock glared as Y/n turned over. The blue numbers as bright as a full moon in a clear sky. They seemed to blind her as she screwed her eyes shut. Had she even fallen asleep? Or had she tossed and turned all night? The ten o'clock hour made Y/n ask herself that question as she pulled herself out of the tangled sheets.

Walking to the bathroom, Y/n took a washcloth into her hand. Turning the water as hot as she could stand, Y/n wet the cloth. Pressing it to her face, she took a slow deep breath in. She repeated the action three more times.

"Fuck it," she mumbled as she tossed the rag into the sink.

Turning, she strode through the room and into the hall. Turning left, she walked to Tobirama's room. The door was cracked only a few inches. She could see the bedside lamp was on, but she had no idea if Tobirama was awake or not.

Easing the door open, Y/n took a step into the room. Tobirama was asleep. He was on his stomach, as he usually is. Both of those thickly muscled arms under his single pillow. His head was facing away from the door and lamp. Y/n closed the door behind her before moving towards the bed.

Walking around to the empty side of the king-sized bed, Y/n lifted the blanket. "Tobi," she whispered. "Tobirama."

"Hm?" He hummed lowly.

Y/n saw a single eye peek open. She gave him a timid smile. Shifting his body, Tobirama turned the lamp off without turning over. Once in the dark, Y/n felt Tobirama wrap his arm around her waist. Her face was nestled against the front of his chest as she draped her arm over him.

"You okay, Hikari?" Tobirama's voice was rough with sleep.

Nodding, Y/n whispered, "I couldn't sleep."

The silk fabric of Y/n's forest green gown was soft under Tobirama's touch as he ran his fingers over her back. "What time is the family gathering tomorrow?"

He felt her tense, "At five."

"Are you going?" Tobirama's voice was hushed.

"Mikoto said that I wasn't welcome," Y/n felt herself become lulled by his touch.

Tobirama could hear the emotions at war in her tone. "Has that ever stopped you from doing what you wanted?"

"I'll go to the funeral on Saturday," she tried to sound confident. "She can't throw me out of the cemetery." She tried to laugh, but they felt the lack of conviction.

Tobirama's hand stilled for a brief moment while he thought about what to say next. Then, pressing a kiss on her head, he asked, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

The moonlight slipped through the curtains, casting enough lighting for Y/n to see the outline of Tobirama's face. She lifted her head to look at him in question. The man was offering to attend her uncle-in-law's funeral. With her. As a couple.

"Are you serious?" She asked as her hand lay on his chest.

Stretching, Tobirama turned the lamp back on the lowest setting. It was a dim flame that made the lines beneath Y/n's eyes even darker.

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