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Walking down the long hallway, Y/n paused as she closed her eyes and took a calming breath in. Sunday evening had come all too fast. While Shisui had manage almost everything on his own, Y/n made sure he was eating. Obito was the one who checked on him more frequently. It wasn't that Y/n had grown uncomfortable. She was just more conscious of things now that she knew of Shisui's feelings.

Continuing her trek down the hallway, she opened the door to the rooms the family had set aside for her and Obito. Y/n had tucked Tsuki in with Sarada for the evening. The woman had been tired all weekend. Feeling drained from the stress and the pregnancy. Y/n planned on sleeping in before heading to a few meetings later in the day on Monday morning.

Entering the rooms, Y/n closed the door. Then, keeping her back to the room, Y/n rested her palms against the stained oak door. Leaning forward a bit, Y/n pressed her forehead to the cool wood. Y/n found she was using her breathing techniques more and more the last week than she had while even being undercover. More panic attacks had threatened to strike than she's ever had in her entire life. She was ripping at the seams.

Jumping slightly at the feel of hands at her hips, Y/n relaxed as the heat from his touch seeped into her skin. His skilled hands slid under the hem of her loose, purple sweater. The leggings on her body hugged her figure perfectly. Making her hard to resist. Y/n sighed as she felt his breath against her neck. Her hair was pushed aside, allowing his lips to dance over the curve of her shoulder.

As Yn began to step away from the door, a firm touch held her in place. A soft moan slipped from her parted lips as his hand gave her hip a tight squeeze. Obito hadn't been tender in such a way in quite some time. Y/n was relishing in the feel of his touch. His fingers caressed her skin as his lips ghosted over her flesh.

With a silent request, her sweater was pulled from her body and tossed to the side. The lilac bra was lace and soft as it cradled her sensitive breasts. Tilting her head, his lips traced her neck before he pressed a kiss to the shell of her ear. Next, his hands cupped her bosom as she leaned back against his chest.

A dreamy sigh left her lips as one hand slid between the valley of her breasts before gently holding her neck. Guiding her head slightly, he kissed her cheek as her head rested against his shoulder. His other hand traced her body before he slipped it into her leggings. The matching lace panties offered little resistance as he reached the apex of her legs.

The voice laden with desire rasped heavily in her ear, "I've missed you," her eyes flew open, "My love, I'm going to ruin you again."


A startled scream echoed in the bedroom as Y/n bolted upright. Obito moved quickly to sitting as well. His hand was on his wife's back as he tried to catch her gaze. Y/n's eyes were screwed shut as she tried to calm her breathing. Obito kissed her temple as he murmured to her softly. The words were lost in the droning noise that washed her hearing. As Y/n lifted her hand, Obito took it into his, grasping it tightly.

Pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand, Obito's voice finally struck her ears. "Asami," he whispered tenderly, "you're safe. It's just you and me."

Y/n nodded, knowing that words would fail her. Obito wasn't sure what spooked his wife so badly, but he knew that she was shaken. It took a lot for Y/n to be scared, but that's exactly what she was. Obito pulled Y/n down with him and held her tightly to his chest. Y/n was curled in as small as she could be on herself while still laying with her head on Obito's chest.

Unable to stop herself, Y/n played the nightmare over again. How could she not tell that the hands of that monster were not that of her husband? The lips of the cruel did not match that of the man she loved. The way her body reacted, in the dream and even, in reality, was frightening. Did she crave a man's touch so badly that she couldn't discern who it was that held her? Was it that man's caress that drove her mad?

"I'm going to hunt him like the animal he is and kill him," Y/n's sudden admission was easily translated into Obito's mind. "It's the only way we can live peacefully."

Obito's warmth made Y/n relax slightly as she pressed herself into his side. His fingers brushed her hair from her face as he kissed her forehead. Then, eyes focused on the ceiling above, Obito said, "You don't have to do it alone this time, Asami."

The woman hadn't thought about how Obito felt. Not in the grand scheme of things. She hadn't stopped to think about how it would feel to fight against Madara. Previously, when she was undercover, he wasn't fighting against Madara- not really, anyway. He was treading water. Trying to stay afloat in the choppy seas that were the Uchiha family. But now, he would be facing the patriarch of the family. Head to head.

Would Obito be able to do it? Did he have the heart to wish death upon the man that had raised him? If it came down to the two of them, guns drawn and a line in the sand: could Obito Uchiha pull the trigger? Y/n wasn't so sure. There were a lot of unknowns in the lives of Y/n and Obito Uchiha. All of those unknowns were about to multiply tenfold.

As Y/n shifted her body, Obito knew his wife was searching for the words to ease his mind. But, while she was the one who was having the nightmare, and she was the one that said the words, she would always be the one willing to take on the world for him and their children. Y/n was thinking over a few things as she lay in his arms. There were a couple of people she needed to reach out to. And those people weren't on Obito's list of men Y/n should be dealing with.

"I know I'm not alone, Bito," she finally said. "But there are some things that I have to deal with on my own." Y/n felt her husband's hand still as he caressed her.

"Only because you won't let me in, Y/n," he lifted her chin, making those e/c eyes look at him as he said, "You've never completely let me in." Y/n could hear the solemn emotion that coated his words. "Always keeping me at arm's length. What are you so afraid of? What are you hiding? Just let me in, Asami. Let me love all of you."

Tears pricked at her eyes, "You have all of me," she focused on the one thing she could. It was true. Obito may not know everything that Y/n does, and that will never change. But Obito had all of Y/n. She would die for him, still.

Obito glanced over to the side of the bed. While the sun was still absent, he wasn't sure of the time. 4:23 am. "Sleep, Asami," Obito murmured as he pressed his lips to hers. "We can talk later."

Not wanting to argue that they never knew what tomorrow held, Y/n hummed softly. "I love you." She made sure that she said those words to him every day.

"I love you, Asami," and Obito always replied.

Later. Later was always a funny thing to Y/n. No matter what plans you've made, what attempt at a task, someone or something is working against you. Fate. God. Kami. Whatever being you did or didn't believe in was laughing as you made plans for LATER.


Later, Y/n would be standing before two men that Obito had forbidden her from seeing. Before that, though, Y/n would be seeing three men that Obito never thought his wife would dare to see. The first meeting would start the spiral that would lead to someone's downfall. Who's would it be? Where would later bring them? Where would later take them? What would later hold for everyone involved?

"Later, my love," a deep voice spoke as he turned the monitor off, "It's only a matter of time before you're in my arms again."

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