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Obito argued with Shisui about riding together. But, in the end, Shisui's point was seen, and Obito allowed it. Shisui would enter the hospital first. While Shisui explained, partially, what had happened, Obito would enter through the main entrance and to Y/n's room. Shizune had messaged Shisui that Y/n was moved upstairs. The same ominous room that she had been in before. More times than anyone would like to count.

The drive to the hospital was tense, to say the least. The radio was off. Shisui gripped the wheel of the car with a single hand, knuckles white. His other hand was resting in his lap, fingers curled into a fist.

Obito had his elbow on the door and cheek pressed to his palm. Tears would fall from time to time from his dark eyes, clouding his vision. Closing his eyes, Obito tilted his head towards the glass. The turmoil that raged inside was something he would never be able to forget. No matter how he wished he could go back to that moment he walked away, he couldn't.


Obito POV:

The glass wasn't cold enough to give the contrast I needed. I was numb. Inside and out. I wanted to drown myself. Take myself out- just as badly as everyone else seemed to want to do. If what Shisui said was true, there would be a hospital waiting room full of people wanting my head on a silver platter. I should let them put it there.

I was no better than the bastard that raised me. And yet, I owed him. His action, no matter how sickening it was, is what saved my wife. She should be dead. Because of me, my own wife, the woman I love, the mother of my child, should be dead. I left her alone in a moment of weakness and selfishness. And it nearly ruined my life.

While I may not have killed her, I have destroyed her. There's no doubt in mind the woman I see next won't be the same as the one I left on the floor of our home. She was broken when I left, yes, but there's no putting her back together. I've destroyed the woman she used to be. So who will the new Y/n be?

I've seen her change many times over the years. The shift early in her time undercover. Towards the end when she was resigned to her fate. Just before the case closed and she let herself love me. Then when it was all over and we could be ourselves. And now... I don't know who she'll be.

I don't know who I am.

Where did I get lost? What fork in the road did I take that led me astray? I should've told her the truth the first chance I had after I realized I had fallen for her. Would it have made a difference? Once I learned about Kikyo, I wasn't sure I could get her to walk away.

Should we have moved after the case was closed? Once Madara was behind bars- no. It wouldn't have made a variation. His plan was always to find a way out. Find a way to get to her.

What is his end game? Is he trying to kill her? Kill me? Take her from me to call her his again? Could he genuinely love her? Does the man know what love is? He never showed any of us love.

None of this mattered. Sighing, I opened my eyes to watch the blur of the world. "What have I done?" I kept my voice low, not wanting to face the answer.

Letting out his own sigh, his not of the same emotion as mine, Shisui answered, "You made a mistake." I let out a scoff. "He's trying to tear you apart, Obito. Don't let him. Don't let him win. Whatever he says, whatever he does, none of it matters. She loves you more than life itself. Don't forget that."

Not moving from my depressed position, I said, "She told me she tried to kill herself once," Shisui sucked in a breath. "After she had Kikyo. Then she told me that she was having the same thoughts now that she did back then."

"She's going to get worse after this," Shisui was right. And it was my fault. "I know you're blaming yourself for everything that happened, but it's not your fault. You may have walked away, but on any other day, it wouldn't-"

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