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Trigger warning: use of drugs and alcohol combined.

Obito POV:

Stirring to wake, I found the hard table to be empty. Sitting up, I sighed as I fought the ache away. The pain within my body was no comparison to the one in my heart. I didn't expect for her to be here when I woke. It didn't hurt any less as I slid from under the blanket. I looked around, searching for any signs that she may still be there.


Walking to my clothes, I tried not to remember the night before. When she called, I was so desperate to see her- to have her- that I didn't care what the cost was. Isn't that what got us here in the first place? When I saw her on the sidewalk that morning we met, I wanted her. Then it became more than that. I needed her.

As I pulled on my pants, I grabbed my phone from the floor where it fell. I had a few missed calls from Shisui and Itachi, but nothing more. No text. No call. No note. She vanished into the morning mist as I slept soundly in the dream that she was mine again. What a fool I was to think it was that easy.

Once I was dressed, I made sure the room was put back together. I didn't want someone telling Mikoto that something scandalous happened in the billiard room. I had been avoiding the mansion for a while now. Mikoto had been vocal since Y/n told her she wasn't planning on working on our marriage. Now that Fukagu had been killed, Mikoto was determined to blame Y/n.

Before I could reach the door, it was thrown open. "When did you get here?"

I looked up from my phone to see Itachi standing in the doorway. "Last night," I replied as I slid my phone into my pocket. "What's going on?"

Itachi scanned the room, "Did you sleep in here?"

Arching a brow, I changed the subject, "Is everything okay?"

"I was hoping you could calm mom down," Itachi admitted as I approached him. "Y/n texted Sakura that she would be at the funeral tomorrow." My expression must have changed enough because he hurried to ask, "Did you you know?"

I shook my head, "No," I paused, "but I saw her last night."

A knowing look softened Itachi's stressed features. "A good visit?"

"In a way," was the only response I could think of. "I'm not going to be able to change Y/n's mind. Or Mikoto's, for that matter."

Turning, Itachi led the way through the halls. We were walking towards the family dining room. They must be eating breakfast if he's taking me there. I wasn't sure why he thought Mikoto would listen to me at all. I wasn't her favorite person right now either.

"Will you at least try?" Itachi asked with his hand on the door, separating us from the rest of the family.

Sighing, I nodded, "I'll try." I conceded.

When Itachi pushed the door open, I found Mikoto sitting with Sakura and Izumi on either side of her. Itachi walked to take the seat beside Izumi, Fugaku's former chair. Sasuke sat bedside Sakura. Itsuki was perched in Izumi's lap while Sakura held Sarada. I noted the plate that sat beside my seat, meaning Shisui would be joining us.

Settling in my chair, I offered my greeting, "Morning."

I heard hums and mumbles as I grabbed the cream for my coffee. I could feel eyes on me as I stirred the lightened drink. Then, gripping the mug, I closed my eyes and relished the caffeine that would fuel my day. The last thing I wanted to do was deal with family all day.

"Why was she here?" Mikoto's voice was harsh as she asked the question.

Sitting my cup of coffee down, I leaned back in my chair, "She wanted to see me." I answered plainly.

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