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Pushing the door open, Obito guided Y/n inside their home. It was surreal for her as she entered the domicile. She thought she was going to die the last time she was home. Alone. Dark and cold. Her mind was still clouded with disturbing thoughts as they walked further in. Y/n froze when the voices struck her senses. She wasn't prepared for them.

"Why are they here?" She whispered as Obito moved to stand in front of her.

Cupping her cheek, Obito said, "Kikyo wanted to see you when you got home, Asami."

Tears welled, and Y/n shook her head. She couldn't shut the world out. She couldn't ignore everyone. She couldn't pretend that everything was going to be alright. She had things she had to do. Reality she had to face. Choices to be made.

"Mommy!" The young girl ran towards her mother and step-father.

Obito stepped aside but slowed Kikyo down before she slammed into Y/n's stomach. Kikyo gently wrapped her arms around her mother's waist. Y/n laid her hands onto Kikyo's back. Obito caressed Y/n's back as they stood there. The heavy echo of booted feet caught everyone's attention as they looked towards the living room.

Zabuza tried to smile, but in a rare show of emotion, he turned away. Unable to deal with the same thought everyone else had: Y/n had almost died. "I'm happy you're home." Were the only words he offered before walking away.

"Why don't we go sit on the couch?" Y/n asked in a hushed voice to Kikyo.

Pulling away, Kikyo looked up at her mother and Obito. The young girl's face was scrunched as she fought the tears away. Then, nodding, Kikyo turned around to run for the couch. Obito kept his hand on Y/n's back as they followed after Kikyo.

Zabuza was making himself busy in the kitchen. Pausing to sit, Y/n gave a confused look, "Are you cooking?"

Tensing, Zabuza mumbled, "I'm plating the Chinese Obito ordered."

Smiling, Y/n sat down, "Making sure we weren't going to have to call the fire department."

"I'm not that bad," Zabuza complained as he carried the food into the living room.

Kikyo took her bowl, "Dad," she looked at her father square in the eyes, "You've made eggs explode."

Even Obito began to laugh as Zabuza's face fell. There was a calmness to the air, though everyone was still tense. Unsure of what to say, everyone ate in silence. Kikyo stayed close to her mother as they ate. Zabuza sat at the island while Obito sat on the love seat. The television was on a movie that Kikyo was watching. A fact Obito was thankful for; his phone was already going off from people contacting him because of the news.

"Mom?" Kikyo asked hesitantly.

Looking over, "What is it, sweetie?" Y/n asked.

"Why were you in the hospital?" The poor girl nearly stumbled over the words.

Sighing, Y/n looked over to Obito, then back to Zabuza. Then, mulling over her words, Y/n decided to answer, "I think you're old enough to know the truth," Kikyo nodded as she looked up at Y/n. "Mommy was pregnant," Kikyo's face lit, "but I lost the baby."

The girl's face fell as her eyes scrunched, "But how?"

Giving a slight shrug, Y/n explained, "Sometimes it just happens, sweetie. And we don't know why."

Kikyo sniffled before wiping her eyes, "Do you want another baby?"

Brushing her daughter's cheek, Y/n cut her eyes to Obito, "I think we're going to wait on making that decision right now. We have a lot going on that we need to take care of before we decide."

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