Selfish Vs. Selfless

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The flesh on her fingers was smooth as she ran her thumb over the tan line. The feeling was foreign, and she hated it. Not wearing the ring in a few days made her miss the feeling. Y/n rarely took her wedding ring off. Showering, dishes, and occasionally to sleep- that was it.

Sitting in the back booth of the crowded restaurant, Y/n waited as patiently as she could. Leaving the penthouse, Y/n went to her old home. She wouldn't go back there again. She grabbed a suitcase from the closet and packed as much as she could. She'd buy toiletries, and she only wanted clothes.

Knowing Obito wouldn't be home, she took a smaller duffle bag and filled it with the contents of the safe. She also took a few guns, her passport, and cash as well. Being on her own now, Y/n knew she had to take care of herself. She'd leave Tsuki with Mikoto and Kikyo with Zabuza. She would finish this, once and for all.

Somewhere in her lost thoughts, Y/n had begun to look at the other patrons. None of their faces registered as she sat there. The face she was looking for wasn't there.

"Hey," the voice said as he slipped into the bench across from her. "Where's Obito?" He looked around as Y/n turned to him.

She squeezed her fingers under the table, "I may have lied about dinner," her voice was tired as she told him the truth. "I wasn't sure you'd come if I told you I needed to see you."

Curious and concerned, he answered, "What is it, babydoll?"

His tone wasn't helping Y/n fight the tears away. A deep breath in, Y/n closed her mouth. A melancholy smile graced her lips. Kakashi watched her eyes dart away from his. He took in her appearance. She was exhausted.

"Y/n?" Kakashi leaned onto the table, ducking his head, "Where's Obito?"

Something between a grunt and her trying to clear her throat left her. "I don't know," she shook her head, unable to look at his eyes.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Kakashi pressed.

Swallowing hard, Y/n lifted her head to look at Kakashi. The tears pricked her eyes, "I don't know where he is, Kakashi," she kept her voice level, "and I don't particularly care. I texted you because I need to know that you'll help me if I need you to. I have a few things to take care of-"

"Stop," Kakashi extended his hand out, "give me your hand."

"You don't need my hand," she argued. "I need your help to take out Madara."

Pushing back, Kakashi slid from the booth. The restaurant was busy, but Y/n had told the waitresses she was conducting a meeting. So the back booth was hidden from prying eyes. Kakashi stood beside the seat Y/n occupied and looked at her expectantly. When she didn't move, Kakashi slid into the seat.

"What are you doing?" Y/n tensed, keeping her right hand over her left.

Gripping her wrist, Kakashi demanded, "You're going to tell me what happened, Y/n."

Shaking her head profusely, she fought him, "No." She urged. "It doesn't matter."

Without causing too big of a scene, Kakashi wrestled Y/n for control. Y/n gasped loudly as Kakashi used one arm to pin her to the seatback of the bench. Kakashi took hold of her left wrist and wrenched it free, using the leverage to his advantage.

"This matters," he yanked on her hand as his finger traced her bare skin. "What happened?"

While Kakashi looked at Y/n, Y/n looked at Kakashi's hand on hers. The depressing thought struck that made her begin sobbing. Would he have done the same thing as Obito if she had chosen Kakashi? It was all Kakashi needed. As soon as Y/n started to cry, he pulled her into his chest.

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